Aisha’s little corruption friends!

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Profile photo of izzy



I thought it may be a good idea to post what my investigation's team is up to right now.

Permanent members:
- Lead: Sgt. Aisha blake
-- Martina 'Marty' Kells
-- Willow Avrar

* Note: Aisha only seeks to recruit the most brutal and corrupt officers for her team... Surprised?

Kazumi investigation.

Investigators: Martina Kells & Willow Avrar

Marty and Willow have only recently started their first 'solo' adventure in the wonderful world of rp investigations. Right now, they are being given time to gain in for lost time we've endured due too... Too much on our plate:

- Interview conducted with Jade Calamity
- Interview should be planned with Kaori (And Elisa... But that may get... Awkward)


The suspect is known through the paper and Asuka and Aisha's background with the woman, so the main objective of the investigation is to collect sufficient evidence to put up a case against the woman. Marty & Willow will inform Aisha once that is done and Aisha will order an APB on Kazumi, possibly having SWAT involved for a nice little take down action.

Ace of Spades

Has been brought in after Marty, Hunter and Aisha managed to get through to Coley in giving up the identity of the Ace of Spades (Blake Larcen). A major SWAT action was called together and Eps taking the lead in the field as SWAT sgt, te Ace of Spades was brought in.

- Aisha had contacted judge Hank to allow Blake Larcen to be admitted into a mental ward, due to the obvious MPD. In the hopes of getting the crazy out of him. (IC request from Natasha Winsmore)
- Aisha arranged for Coley Gandt to be assigned community service at the sanctuary in stead of a jail punishment, officer Hunter Styles will folow up on this part.
- Marty & Aisha are working towards bringing Natasha down for conspiring with Blake Larcen, aiding his escape several times (including from the hospital) and all the other crap she's done. DA has been contacted on this subject and agreed to an APB to have Natasha's mental situation examinated. (( We need to find a willing psychiatrist to start this part ))

For the rest, we're leaving the rp slunder out. Plenty of other cases to take on! This one has been fun and we'd all like to thank Blake, Natasha and Coley for giving us a great time on it ๐Ÿ™‚

Newspaper article:

* Updated 2013-25-04 *

Lee Blackcinder

Lee has kidnapped and tortured two women (one including Honey Bee), the description of the man follows:

- Tall
- Muscled
- Bald
- Blue tattoos around hands
- Tattoos on chest and back
- Moustache as in an old movie (( considered a disguise at this time, IC'ly ))

Aisha conducted an initial interview with Honey Bee, leading up to attempting to arrest ... the wrong guy ... based on the rather specific description. (( Newspaper: ))

This investigation has been taken over by Sam as her first case, supported by Aisha both IC and OOC'ly. Mr. Blackcinder remains out of reach as for now... New facts will probably be necessary to move the investigation along. (( Mr. Blackcinder has informed us OOC'ly he's working on that... ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜Ž ))


Lee has been brought into custody with Sam. Interrogation will follow. Upon OOC agreement, he will be put in the same cell as good doctor Elisa Dupree who is cuffed ๐Ÿ™‚

Fenix Hurricane and the Braedan / Parker bunch --> Kidnapping of Gabzo, Ryo, ... + the so called 'sex slave ring'

I'm still wrapping my head around this one OOC'ly to get a better view on how to take this on. Though, this is where we are at so far:

- Officers Kells, Sam and Blake responded to a distress call coming from Parker's residence. Upon arrival, they were too late in preventing Fenix from driving off with his motorcycle. Considering the EMS call mentioned an officer involved, the three decided to put an APB out on Fenix and focus on the building & Gabzo. Soon, Shade was seen jumping out of the window with a haiku bomb (yep). The bomb appeared to be harmless, except for the irritating haiku's it emited and Shade was taken in custody by Kells. Aisha and Sam noticed a bunch of rabbits coming out of the building like clowns from a small beetle car. Tried to arrest as many as they could and prevent them from walking away with Gabzo. Later... Aisha would cover up Rabbit's presence from the scene in a favor towards Shade and Keiran. (( Rabbits are not responsible for the kidnappings, they charged the building, attempting to rescue Ryo, part of their crew ))

- APB has been put out on Fenix (Will most likely lead to a SWAT takedown, Fenix was asked to contact Eps)
- APB will be put out for the owner of the building (Parker)
- Gabzo needs to be interviewed

Officer Hunter Styles was assigned to the case, due to a background on the subject.

Bean & Thomas story

- Bean will come in voluntarily to face charges in the Thomas case. After DA Pagan Newport contacted Bean per Aisha's request. Aisha will conduct the interrogation herself, to ensure proper treatment of Bean.
- Marty will follow in on the interrogation, needing to see an interrogation without (excessive) brutality urgently!

Assault on Bean

Paper article:

This one is set on hold until it is more relevant to investigate. Aisha has made a long phone call with Bean, discussing some info regarding the case. Right now... We can't move on due to OOC reasons, so this one will drag on towards the future!

I may be forgetting things now... Other cases we've got pending, stuff left out... That's cause I don't have my files with me right now! Sooo... I'll be looking to update this post from time to time if there are positive responses to this initiative!

~ Aisha

PS: I'm aware that Marty & Willow are still rookies, but they are the two most valuable options for Aisha's team. They do not function as independent investigators yet, having to report every move to Aisha. Sheldon... If he joins in, would become a different story, for him, I'd only require weekly / bi-weekly updates on his work. So both me / Aisha know what he's up to ๐Ÿ™‚

April 24, 2013 at 10:48 pm
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April 24, 2013 at 10:51 pm
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April 24, 2013 at 10:52 pm
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April 26, 2013 at 6:46 am
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