A hole in my soul

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Darkness. That is what I first noticed. Then a bump and the sound of an engine running. The sound of wheels on a road... I was in a car or something. I tried to move and felt restrained by the tight space. I panicked before I could clear my head and started screaming and kicking. The car swerved, I could hear it slowing down and then the sound of gravel under the tyres. The car stopped and there were voices, a man and a woman. I barely understood their words... "I don't know".... "didn't you check?".... "that was two hours ago"....
A man and a woman were getting out of the car. I kicked and screamed again, telling them to let me out. "It's a girl!".... "How can that be?".... "Ok, come out missy, but beware, I have a gun..." The hood of the trunk opened and I squinted at the light. As I slowly clambered out of the car I saw the hazy figures stepping back, keeping their distance. The man was cursing.
"What the fuck are you doing in my trunk?" the man exclaimed. As soon as I was out, the woman started pleading her husband to just go and leave me. Apparently they had no idea who I was, let alone what I was doing there. And neither did I. The man slammed the hood back shut and told the woman to get into the car. He also got in and they quickly sped off, leaving me at the dusty side of the road.

Two hours later I hitched a ride from a truckdriver. He didn't speak and neither did I. I slept a lot. No thinking. Thinking hurt. I got out again after a few hours when we arrived in an old and gloomy city. They tell me it is called Dead End. Sounds about right.

I remember my name, because there was a memory, an image of a man in a white coat who greeted me: "Hello Syn, how are you doing today?" There's also the certainty that this man is dead, but I can't really remember how.

I am certain that something terrible has happened to me. My body wears the marks of that in scars. But I forgot what it was, like I lost most of what I was. Good. If it was that bad, I should learn to live without. With a deep sigh I turned towards the city streets and a bar, hoping to find a new life. If I was dead anyway, this could very well be a new beginning.

November 19, 2011 at 9:47 am
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