12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS – December Sim Plot

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS – December Sim Plot

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jaylah sass


A few weeks ago, the following article was published in the Dead End Daily:


It seems a 'charitable group' has contacted the Daily, with the promise of gathering goods and donations for the needy. There's no telling if the Daily has been paid off or how this transpired, but they've agreed to let the owners of this special donation box publish a very specific list of items they are seeking...

How it works

Every two days, starting on December 1st, a new article is published in the Dead End Daily.
The article is going to target a specific person, and an article that they own.

What seemed to be a charitable act, perhaps now has the chance to put money in your pocket.

You have two days from the time the article is posted to retrieve the item from the character in question. How you do it is not the important part. What is important is that you return it to the donation box.

If you turn the item in within the two day time period, you will be rewarded.
After the two day time period, the item is still valid to be placed in the donation box, but your reward will be decreased. We still want the item!

Each item has is eligible for a reward.

For example, the Day 1 item is turned in on Day 3. That person will be rewarded.
The Day 3 item is turned in on Day 7. It is late, but still eligible for reward, and the Day 6 item has already been announced.

The goal by this charitable group is to collect all 12 valuable items by December 31st!

Of course all of this is IC. Even if you don't know the person being targeted, it's a chance for you to RP and approach someone new! Snap a picture of the scene so we can feature it in the Daily as this plot rolls on through the month. The 'donation box' is outside of the Daily and you will want to drag a NC inside with the obvious info like who you are, and the item you collected. Include any logs or pictures so we can use that for fun if you would like!

The donation box is being watched by NPC Security from inside the Daily at all times, and emptied on a regular basis after each donation, so it will be empty when you go to put your item inside.

'Rewards' will be announced later on, until then stay tuned for the articles and keep refreshing the Daily because that is where all of this is going to go down!

November 30, 2017 at 9:59 pm
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