Dead End Police Department Arrest Report
Arrest Time And Date:
Afternoon, 02/16
Arresting Officer:
Capt. Snow
Officers Assisting:
Nikolai Niekerk
Criminal Offense/s:
Kidnapping, torture, and rape of Alina Amat
Kidnapping, rape of Lt. Edelmann
Evidence Recovered:
Confession; DNA evidence
Niekerk is in jail for the maximum sentence for his crimes.
Summary of Events:
Officer Snow approached Niekerk on the street and requested he come to the station; he refused. She then attempted to arrest him and he assaulted her. A bystander assisted in subduing Niekerk and he came quietly to the station. He was cooperative during interrogation and confessed to his crimes, claiming that he was only trying to 'protect his family'. He also mentioned that Antonio Genovese allegedly kidnapped and raped his daughter. Investigation into that allegation is beginning.
Signature of Reporting Officer:
Captain Elizabeth Snow