Dead End Police Department Incident Report
Incident Time and Date:
29/08/2011 12:30:00
Incident Location:
Dead Lock Prison, Interrogation Room
Officers Attending:
Filipe Alter
Alleged Offense Committed:
DPC-202. Kidnapping
DPC-304. Obstruction
DPC-303. Resisting Arrest
Further Action:
Interview the victim, Danica Lemondrop.
Recover fingerprints from Dead Lock Interrogation Room.
Review CCTV footage from the Prison to identify the suspect.
Danica Lemondrop
Unidentified male, around the mid twenties to the late thirties.
Officer Filipe Alter
Victim Boyfriend Darkthorn Graycloud
Items Stolen or Taken:
Weapons Used:
Evidence Recovered:
Fingerprints and CCTV footage
Summary of Events:
Victim boyfriend called the 911, with a patrol car being sent to the Prison. When the officers arrived the scene, the victim and the suspect where inside the Interrogation Room, when the suspect was about the rape the victim. The suspect flew the scene. The victim doesn't recognize the suspect. DEPD is searching for fingerprints and DNA from the Crime Scene.
Signature of Reporting Officer:
Filipe Alter