petition of adoption: Luna Ann MacClawden 10/11/15

Home Forums Municipal Departments Court System petition of adoption: Luna Ann MacClawden 10/11/15

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Filing for petition of guardianship and adoption, and legal change of name . 10/11/15
Adopted mother name- Merabella MacClawden
Adopted daughter:
Name: Luna Ann Belle
New Name: Luna Ann MacClawden
Age: 24
Birthday- August 15, 1991
Height/Weight: 5 ft 6, 156lbs
Blood type: O+
Race: White Southern
Residence: 69 Broken Dreams BLVD ( outside of dead end)
Employment: Owner os Slims Diner, Vol. EMT, and The Easy 8's
Birth mother name- Katy combs Belle
Birth father name- Alexander Belle
was Raised in KY by her parents until she passed away, she moved to Ohio to be raised by Clem Belle

Judge J.R. CrowWing

October 14, 2015 at 4:53 pm
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