very cool ๐
very cool ๐
B But you hired Me it’s not all bad, I can you know, do stuff for you!!!
Honestly if I had seen this a few days ago I would have not considered resigning,, I prefer investigating and solving crime over raids and patrols handing out tickets etc, I felt that was never really condone under the present system
Ask first to enter a Scene
The Sheriff’s Van rolls down the road, hitting every pothole along the way to Flint, DE was a distant gray cloud behind her,, not that she was looking , her head looked down at her feet and her cuffed limbs and the seat belt holding her in her seat, she only glances up when one of Sheriff Deputies call out to her through the barrier separating…[Read more]
Ok so maybe this has been discussed before but I have run into a situation where I need to do something with NPC characters in a place that would probably ICly off outside city limits. so I been told to NPC the scene, I really didn’t know how t do that and some have helped me and I’m getting it done but it made me wonder how is the best way to…[Read more]
as a person who has used a rl one not sure if I could find the humor in it some very bad things talked about on those lines ,, just my opinion
Bye Roxy gonna miss you oh and I heard you rub the Popes head is like getting communion or something like that ๐
how about more public service stuff, thing like street cleaning trash collecting etc, we could have something like that say once a week,, nothing like seeing chain gangs walking down the street adding tho the humiliation
I vote for stocks and pillory but seriouslybail and 3 days in Jail is a bit of a joke, it doesn’t deter people from anything I think that might ties into the general silliness the sim gotten into it, Murders rape and such are not taken seriously any more, whey because if the worst you get is 3 days in a free orange outfit ,, big deal
A lead has to put the group concern above all else, that what I think it is important, not personnel role play or friendship, it might not make you Popular but it is a must to keep things even and fair in the group> DEPD is a family but as in all families there has to be some discipline, and that make you unpopular , so who ever get the lead has…[Read more]
no Argument there but oddly I find it getting a bit to Murdery as well ((Is that even a word,, shrugs)) It’s my opinion that something like Murder should be an event kind of act, because ((and I seen this in spades now))murder is just shrugged off as no biggy, I sorry Killing a human life should never be a no biggy , but that my opinion
Awww the Red Herring coffee donuts what cop doesn’t love the place, and for me the nicest build in DE I love hanging out there, off duty of course, and with Mera running it would only get me to visit more. ๐
why not set up a Police union or have it exist, it could make a fun Role play to have labor conflict and the higher ups would have to be nicer to us Minions ๐ and one final thing ,,,two words “Police strike” ๐
I know this is a not so nice subject but I am really have a hard time getting over a bad situation, no need to get into details, but I’m curious how do you handle it maybe if I can understand how you all deal with it I can learn?
Get well soon Ming!!!!!!
Hi Guys I trying to create a serial killer story and I’m looking for some of you to give me a hand by being victims, I can promise you a good imaginative story with some good old fashion chills, so if you have an alt you don’t mind getting killed or your looking to reboot your own Avi let me now, any type of avi will do, she not discriminating she…[Read more]
April 10, 2015
Wow I forget how dressing this place is the sun never seem to shine around here, I suppose I should scope out place to play, also pick someone. Had a thought of how to make my kills more interesting but I need a better tool, maybe a trip to the pawn shop might be in order, wish there was a Hardware store in this town, guess that…[Read more]
April 9, 2015
What have I done, why that one,, what did she do to deserve this, She was just doing what was expected of her. Shit they’re gonna catch you KT ,, you must of forgotten something,
((Ghost)) No KT you didnโt, you did the kill clean and fast so no scream, the phone is in a million pieces spread all over the city, no KT you did a g…[Read more]
April 7, 2015
Why am I still in this shit hole? Cleo been dead a week now, the purge is long done there no reason for me to be here, but yet here I sit all dressed up in this shitty apartment and waiting to go to a memorial I have no desire to go to. What wrong with people in this town, in the normal world they get up go to work have a family…[Read more]