The People Vs Shayden Tyrus

Home Forums Municipal Departments Court System The People Vs Shayden Tyrus

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The people Vs Shayden Tyrus.

On 4/30/16 ADA Shade Jameston went to Spunk R, Us and discovered that food items were being sold at the store without a permit. The ADA took photos to show that there were indeed food items being sold at the store.
Included for items that are clearly meant for ingestion include.

Sargent Slappy's Strawberry Butt Grease.
Happy Hal's banana Whammer Handjob lotion
New Tasty fucker's blow job wraps,
Big Black Cock Lovers Black Liquorish Flavored Gummie Penises
Gummie boobies.
Franks Red Hot Cock Sauce (50 Shades Of Gray Special Edition)

With the evidence discovered at the Spunk R Us Location, it is the state's suggestion that a fine of 120,000 be leveled at Mr Tyrus.

Thank you ,

ADA Shade Jameston

April 29, 2016 at 10:15 pm
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