Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals [MUNICIPAL] Asylum

This topic contains 10 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Cara Crowe Faerie Lindley 10 years, 9 months ago.

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Profile photo of Cara Crowe

Faerie Lindley


<b>DE Asylum</b>
By Chanda Feiri



BACKGROUND: My character is a psychiatrist ( that possess a dark and sadistic side) and is head of Psychiatry at the the DEMH. How I would manage the Asylum and include staff would be monthly staff meetings, as a leader I would strive for psychotherapy sessions. Once a month family/ friend visitations, along with counseling advice on how to care for the patient, once they are out. There would be means of affordable health care provide the privacy act. 

UNIQUE: I feel because it's the Asylum, it will stand out on it's own, and will work with the DEMH, to see that patients get the proper care needed. 

EXPERIENCE: I have been a leader in other sims IC and Ooc. I know as a leader, it is your job to lead to advise not to control. I would never hinder anyone's rp or tell them how to role play. However, when I started here I was first DEPD, and my Role play evolved and took on a new branch. I had found my calling with Doctor Winsmore when I met him when I was working as a bartender. From then I was given a new chance, which was my characters true calling. My character finished college received her degree, in behavioral psychology and began as an Intern psychologist until she received her PhD and was promoted to Doctor. She not only worked hard but was dedicated to her job, and to her patients, Mental and Medical alike. And her hard work has been paying off since she has moved up the social ranks quickly. 

IDEAS: Running the Asylum, we can engage new players, by having charity balls, annual fundraisers that co inside with DEMH. I feel maybe monthly staff meetings to see how or what we can do to improve roleplay ideas for staff and patients. I think with a light atmosphere with dark shadowing , the mental facility will be a wonderful play to seek out a new rp experience.I will be happy to work with the depd, DA, and DE Daily to ensure more roleplay. 

OTHER:I would like to think a grand opening for the Asylum, is a fully operative medical ward. Eager to receive patients into the ward. 

January 21, 2014 at 6:34 pm
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January 21, 2014 at 7:22 pm
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January 21, 2014 at 9:08 pm
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Nadir Taov


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January 22, 2014 at 12:08 pm
Profile photo of Cara Crowe

Faerie Lindley


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January 22, 2014 at 7:34 pm
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