Dance Audition hosted by FlameCo/Jade Dragon

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Dance Audition hosted by FlameCo/Jade Dragon

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Momoka koosh lilliehook 7 years, 4 months ago.

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Profile photo of Momoka

koosh lilliehook


Looking for those sexy male and female dancers to come out and show us what you got. Might make some good money being in the show on the 9th~! Show itself on June
9th, 845 pm slt.

Held at the basketball courts on June 3rd, at 8:45 pm slt.

(yes I know late but please try to make it if your interested. my rl time constraints make it impossible for anything earlier.)

Profile photo of Syreni Damarikov

Syreni Barony


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