[Business] The Hedonist

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Andi Waters kittyh-resident 7 years, 7 months ago.

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Hedonist Casino
By narinaaluria Resident



BACKGROUND: Building its face and drawing in crowds to the lights sounds and flavors of a casino. With a staff full of those ready and willing to keep them coming back for more fun and excitement. Giving the training and opportunities to find their way into their roles in the work place as well out on the streets. Every group has their leader and that's me. Right of of the bat bringing a group of like minded individuals to fill the rooster of the business and getting it going with a kick. From poker tournaments two dance nights. Double down weekends.

UNIQUE: Friendly staff fun enviroment with constant flow from street to tables. cold drinks only slightly watered down. The odds not always on the house. This place will invite people in and keep them coming back for more. While also drawing attention to other groups in the city bringing new blood and life to the streets of Dead End.

EXPERIENCE:Im straight forward blunt tough as nails shrewd business man. I keep my employees happy but in line while on my time. I have worked in sales in distribution and as enforcer for many a years. Knowing well the ins and outs of running a business.

IDEAS:Every new employee will not be screened but put right to work. An every fresh face in the door will be greeted offered a cold drink warm atmosphere lulling them into a bit of safety. before taking their money or sending them on the streets to find the darker sides of Dead End.

OTHER:Large party introducing the staff to the regular citizens drawing in newer crowd. With dancing drinking what have you. Where everyone is a winner. No losers at Hedonist that night.

February 20, 2017 at 3:59 pm
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