[Business] Spunk R' US

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Spunk R' Us
By MitternachtVernichtung Resident



BACKGROUND: I have been managing the Porn shop now for over a year, and helped with the implementation of events at the shop as well as at the Parlor. While our events were never huge, they did often include other business leads events as well, and the events we joined in were not just limited to one per month. The porn shop and the parlor both often attended other events as sponsors and when sim wide events, like the sex expo came around, both shops joined in and participated in them. I would like to continue to do this. Get both shops active again and start having events like we used too. With the sim traffic low, I think it needs to be done and might inspire other business leads to come on down and help out and join the fun. Am also trying to get the business updated a bit, to make it look a little more modern and a little less 1960's bad porn music videos.

UNIQUE: The fact that this is a porn shop already makes it stand out. LOL. However, as in the past, the one thing that I always thought made it stand out were its events. Such as the oil wrestling contest, the photos with the naughty Santa Clause, the slave auction and fashion show, as well as some of the shared events like the Hoe Down and V day ice skating party with the diner. I'd like to start that up again. I miss those events.

EXPERIENCE:I am an open minded person. I don't think that any idea is a bad one unless it involves Bean blowing people up in the name of the Pink Unicorn. Okay, so I do have my limits. Nah, just kidding! I would welcome the Pink Unicorn and its adherent, Bean, to come blow stuff up at my events. Actually anyone. I want my events to be full of excitement and rp. What better way then to encourage people to come and be bad because isn't that what this sim is for? But I digress. I have been lead of the Parlor for quite some time and also manager of Spunk R' Us too. I enjoy my time in both places and have enjoyed the people who came to icly work there and shop there. I like being around people and getting to know them as well. I have been the sole person running both shops now for several months while the former lead of the Porn shop was ill. I'd like to take over as the Lead there and try to bring some life back into it.

IDEAS:When you host an event and make sure people know about it, that brings in the rp. I believe that getting those events up and running again will draw the curious and bored down into the RLD, or even onto the main sim because we do some events there as well. When I did events before, I would send out notices in both groups, not just about the events, but also about things to help improve a new persons experience by helping them with stuff such as free group joins at places such as 7 Deadly Skins. This way they could get nice skins each month. Myself and the previous owner even took a few people under our wings to help them improve their avi's by offering LM's for places that offered free gifts for joining their group, and in one instance I made a person a nice shape they could wear and both of us helped with updating their hair and general appearance. By being personable and trying to be helpful, that makes a person want to come and rp at your business.

OTHER: One of the people whom works at the Parlor suggested a cactus catching contest. I'm not sure how that would fair but I'll give anything a go around once. Why not? Don't think it has ever been done and the person who suggested it made it sound fun and funny with all sorts of opportunities for mishaps. Even the Pink Unicorn could join in and spear a cactus on its horn.

March 28, 2017 at 8:49 am
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Nuku Nemeth


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March 28, 2017 at 11:23 am
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