A ore iró….A "friendly rumor"

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of sunnybluemoon Resident sunnybluemoon resident 8 years, 8 months ago.

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Profile photo of sunnybluemoon Resident

sunnybluemoon resident


Some say this kid is a real chip off the old block, but which side does she really take after. Is it her sweet lovable yet dimwitted whore of a father or is it her ex-hit-man nut case of a mother. Think her military nicknamed was "The Black Canary" or something like that. Anyways you should know she is the one doing life times forty for all those serial murders, they got her on state-wise. Hell of a job that nut-job did to those folks, I hear they still haven't gotta her to speak even after all these years. Guess you should feel bad for the kid, having to take care her father and older brothers at such a young age, but after seeing what she did to some of those more "hands on" Clients I am not all to sure. Makes my skin crawl what those kids did, know I am starting to think that saying is true. You know the one about genders out shining the community...village of whatever. Always who knows what that family is up to now. One thing I can say for sure is, I am glad we do not have to deal with them southwestern freaks, less bloody paperwork. Hear they are moving her mother out to Dead End. God help them, that is one messed up family.

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