
active 7 years ago

pagan-ghostraven’s Docs Started By Me

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Cody Fulcher-Resitution

Malicious Destruction of Property of Hedonist Casino Owner/Plaintiff- Sasha Lionheart Defendant -Cody Fulcher (ctrough) 8,458 in damages Restitution/fines total of- 18,458 Charges filed ,Felony-first offence No further charges will be filed if Defendant [Cody Fulcher] pays the restitution and fines filed with the DE Judicial system and the DEPD *Court dates on hold in response with the Defendant [Cody Fulcher] if paid in full no further action needed by the date indicated [12/27/13] DA Pagan Newport-Yheng List of damages- -computer -security monitoring system and console. -12 DVDs and tape cassettes -replacement of carpet burned -lock

December 16, 2013 December 16, 2013
Restraining order

State of Dead End, DE District Courts RESTRAINING ORDER (Order of Protection) Harassment PETITIONER/PROTECTED PERSON Name of Protected Person: Niimura, Kyo Date of Birth of Protected Person: 02/16 -VS- RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT Name of Defendant: Blackheart, Lidia Sex: I F Race: Hispanic American DOB: 06/07 HT/WT: 5’2” 130lbs Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green Defendant’s Distinguishing Features: (scars, marks, tattoos) Tattoos, Scars on stomach, face, thigh, skin grafting on stomach Protected Person’s Relationship(s) with Defendant: Customer CAUTION: Defendant has access to weapon(s). Type/Location: Knife on Thigh, Ring with Poison Weapon(s) were involved in an incident (past or present) involving protected person. THE COURT FINDS: There are reasonable grounds to believe that the respondent has engaged in harassment with intent to harass or intimidate the petitioner as defined. THE COURT ORDERS: The Respondent avoid contact that harasses or intimidates the petitioner. Contact Includes: contact at petitioner’s home, work, school, public places, in person, by phone, in writing, by electric communication or device, or in any other manner. (Harassment is defined as: (a) Striking, shoving, kicking, or otherwise subjecting the person to physical contact; or (b) Sexual assault; or (c) Stalking, or attempts or threatens to do the same; or (d) Engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly commits acts which harass or intimidate the person and which serve no legitimate purpose.) THIS RESTRAINING ORDER IS EFFECTIVE INDEFINITELY. NOTIFICATIONS/WARNINGS TO DEFENDANT: This order shall be enforced, even without registration, and is entitled to full faith and credit in any civil or criminal court […]

November 28, 2013 November 28, 2013 restraining order
DE court case files

Discovery File: (name of person on trial) Court date: Judge: (name) Lawyer: (name) Lawyer:(name) Charges:(list of offenses for PD) Arresting officers if any: (PD names) Evidence: ( items list) Summary:( explain offenses) Witness statements/Subpoenas: (written statement/Names) Probation requests: Notes:  

October 6, 2013 October 9, 2013
Viewing 1-3 of 3 docs