Nadir Taov

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Police Field Guide

Long steeped in corruption, the Dead End Police Department (DEPD) has become home to officers involved in bribery to more serious offenses such as drug-trafficking, rape, and murder.  From politicians to business owners, cops quickly learn to weave trust and favors to prevent cases from turning cold and reap the benefits that flow through the underbelly of Dead End. Navigate: Charter The Basics Weapons Vehicle Ranks, Roles & Responsibilities Special Duties & Designations Promotions Systems Roster Bad Cop vs Good Cop Radio Dispatch Writing Report (Arrest / Incident) Writing Citation Issue APB Warrants Case Assignment & Investigations Police Records Payment Collection (Bail / Citation Fines) Task Force Medals Application Process Onboarding & Training Communication Conducting Arrests Charter The police department is at the heart of the criminal role-play in Dead End. Since many policing role-play features such as Citations, Arrests, and Cases are designed to award roles to the general population, it’s important to understand the following charter: Police players are responsible for exemplary role-play etiquette, a positive attitude with both new and existing players, and maintaining inclusive stories. Every function and feature is designed to encourage player-to-player scenes and weave stories – it is not about simply leveling ranks, following complex hierarchies, and mundane training requirements. The department is a brotherhood. To survive the ruthless streets of Dead End, every cop watches each other’s back, they turn a blind eye to corrupt acts within the force, and no relationship with the civilian population is greater than the safety of […]

Nadir Taov November 21, 2015 January 3, 2016 guide, police, roleplay
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