10 years, 3 months ago
10 years, 3 months ago
ChristyBell Resident
I wouldn’t be opposed to creating an alt or two and letting them be killed. Still being new to the DE Role Play environment, I can see some benefit in doing this. It would give me more interaction in RP here and a learning experience that can be applied with my main character.
If anyone needs a victim, let me know (IM in world) and I’ll dream up…[Read more]
10 years, 3 months ago
ChristyBell Resident
I’ve been in DE for a couple week now and have enjoyed taking part in the RP. Thank you to those that have allowed me to work my way into an RP scene. I appreciate the experience and know I still have much to learn.
Look forward to meeting more of the DE citizens and becoming an active part of this fun community.
10 years, 3 months ago
ChristyBell Resident