BustedKnuckles12 Resident
All I can say is to just crossing fingers but, so far I enjoy RPing with Mart and putting a MC with it will give nice kick and spice to it ,).
All I can say is to just crossing fingers but, so far I enjoy RPing with Mart and putting a MC with it will give nice kick and spice to it ,).
I hope this goes through since I may be a part of the work!
That corner gets really quiet time to time and i could always hang around there now and create some scenes.
Hey guys I agree to all your words here. Just posting my opinion if it is ok. I came to DE because I was suggested and I have seen other peoe from other group where webused to play. I personaly likes rping in mc and sure we all have problems in rl and loses time to be on SL but past nearly a month, when i am online, i have seen Yams, Belca…[Read more]