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abigel-nightfire’s Docs Edited By Me

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Abby’s Diary #002

2014/04/26 Day 1 – afternoon “Lost and found” […] Abigel has been reading the poster over and over again. In truth she did not see the letters, just struggled to keep the tears dropping from her eyes, blinking repeatedly. […] She stands and stares inside the pizza place, her head swaying from hunger. She looks at the people that come and go with the delicious slices of heaven and swallows hard. […] She keeps staring at the pizzas through the window, her last 5 dollar bill getting crumpled in her hand as she holds it tightly, tears gathering in her eyes as she rocks back and forth. Maynard Selby (allacarrd) only took passing notice of the woman staring into Pizza Slut. There was a time when he would have gone over, being for all purposes a rather nice boyscout-sort. But the time in the city had made him develop a sort of callousness… not yet outwardly malicious for no reason. He was just no longer interested. He’d continue on to the station. The girl wipes her eyes with an absent move. Her head swaying from hunger she finally enters the pizza place, softly talking to the server. She brightens up and gets to keep her money, walking outside with a free pizza in her hand and a wide grin on her face. The pizza lasts for five seconds and she exhales slowly as she looks around, wondering how to start the search for her grandfather. — Abigel steps on the […]

Abigel Nightfire June 17, 2014 June 18, 2014 Azreal Venom, Diary, Vie
Abby’s Story

(Abby’s story in DE summed up briefly. For details see the Diary docs. )   April 26 Day 1 She arrived to Deadend on a bus, getting off at the wrong stop. She was molested by one of the fellow travellers and she hurriedly got off at a random station. However she forgot to grab her backpack, having lost all her papers, most of her money and personal belongings. She found a police station and reported the lost backpack, and that she did not have papers while still hanging around in town. In the Pizza Slut some npc gave her free pizza, and in the bookstore Vie gave her a map and some temporary supplies.

Abigel Nightfire June 17, 2014 June 18, 2014 Diary
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