BDP Presents: Fight for charity

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Sat, Dec 19 @ 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm


In association with the Dark Room and the Hedonist Casino; B&D Productions will be hosting a charity amuture MMA boxing event. Forty percent of the proceeds from both the Dark Room and the Hedonist Casino from the event will be going to help The Flame of Truth homeless shelter,  B&D Production will be donating all of its proceeds for the event as well.

But I’m sure you want to hear about the actual event and how you can be apart of this charitable night.

We will have time for four fights at the Dark Room that night.  If you are interested in getting in the ring please contact Dion Lambert at ((Bedlamb dionysus)).  Act fast we expect the slots to fill quickly.   Each fight will be moderated to ensure no one engages in any unsportsmen like behaviour,  and they will have a limit on time.  Who wants to see two grapplers just rolling about on the ground for three hours?  If they were fucking while they did it sure but otherwise not so much.

The Dark Room will be serving drinks and their dancers will be there as ring girls and who knows if you when they might share their favour with you.

The Hedonist Casino will be running a betting table throughout the night on the fights, just to add that extra spice to the tension of the event.  just you din’t get any crazy ideas there will be plenty of large men about to make sure no one gets sticky fingers at the table

The BDP will be filming the fights and will be taking advanced orders on blueray releases of the fights, so the memories will last.

So if you want to help out our community homeless shelter or just watch some good fights come on down to the Dark Room on DEC 19t and bring your drinking gut and your gambling hands.


((We need submissions for who’s fighting asap will only have a max of 4 fights.  each fight will have an rl time limit of one hour.  If there is no clear winner the ref will decide the winner or the three leads hosting will decide amongst them oocly who won.  We suggest every fighter hit up a combat class before the fight or read through the help docs before the fight.  any OOc dispute will be adjudicated by the ref for these fights.  this is supposed to be a fun time so be chill daddy O’.  ))