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[17:27] Fudge 'Doc' Placebo-Nihil (fudge.placebo) had just treated the same man for the second time in two days, Fudge was absolutely livid. Her job was to help people. This poor man was once more in the hospital. Marching in as the young doctor was on a mission. Walking up to the desk, she saw that Bob was filling his face with doughnuts, she battered hger hand on the bell so that the man almost dropped the pink donut in his hand. "Bob I would suggest that you get me someone with authority now." Bob had never seen Fudge so angry. Fudge stood there arms folded

[17:28] Tarra Thorton (tarrathorton) walked into the station, passing the woman in the lobby. Looking over at Bob, she'd wink before turning to the woman, " Can i help ya with something, if your hear about the Support Your Local Cop by takin her to dinner. It just do happens your in luck.....cause guess what, for fuck on a first date."

[17:31] Fudge 'Doc' Placebo-Nihil (fudge.placebo) felt her jaw drop "No wonder that this police department is chuffing crap!" Fudge didn't swear, she was the most sweetest woman that you ever could meet. "Well I really find that offensive... I'm Doctor Placebo, I run the hospital, I want to file a complaint against any officers that were in charge of a patient of mine... you see my patient was attacked by his cell mate." Fudge's Scottish accent was thick as she carried on talking, not even taking a breath. "Then when he was released back into police custody, he was placed in the same chuffing cell with the man that beat him... is that to protect and serve do you think?"

[17:37] Tarra Thorton (tarrathorton) arched a brow, " lord lady if ya find that offensive and your pissy already, thats gonna make dinner and knockin boots a bit uncomfortable wouldnt ya say." Hearing Bob snicker in the background she turned and shot him a dirty look. As she listened to the womans little story. " Well we can look past your anger issues, im just glad you have a head on your shoulders....nothing worse then dinner with a air head. They get that blank lost look on their face every time something shiney goes by....ear rings, rings, braclets..... its like hello over here." Scrunching her nose, it didnt take a rocket scientist to figure out just who she was talking about. " Well let me tell ya Doc, thats a bit of his own doing, we have limited cell space here and the mouth from the south has a habit of doing stupid shit, Hell im surprized someone hasnt cracked his jaw just to get him to shut the fuck up."

[17:44] Fudge 'Doc' Placebo-Nihil (fudge.placebo) perked a brow "I don't have any anger issues, for this departments incompetence, surely you all have the initiative to change cells?" Fudge would stand there looking the girl over and shake her head "I am absolutely disgusted that I work damn hard, I pay my taxes so that keeps you bozos in a job!" Fudge wasn't one to get angry at all, but she could feel herself about to explode "It shouldn't matter that his mouth was running off with him, I do my job to the best of my ability regardless on someone's manner, I make sure that they are cared for equally and with respect. I will be speaking to the Captain.... but I can tell you know exactly who I am talking about, did you have a wager on to see how long he could last for round 2?" Fudge banged her hand on the desk and almost gave herself a fright of the noise ringing now in her ear. "You are bloody useless, I will be going to the papers about this, once more the PD will be in the papers, it seems that they do get a lot of bad press, I wonder why that is?"

[17:52] Tarra Thorton (tarrathorton) shook her head, " look Doc the way that boy runs off at the mouth, he'd get his ass whipped in the womens cell too." Shrugging her shoulders as the woman continued to rant, snapping her fingers with a look of disgust, " we missed out on the betting part of it, but im not really sure how many would have gotten in on it, im not sure a soul figured him to make it out of round one.....let alone make it to round two." Less then impressed with what she was hearing. " Dont suppose he bothered to tell ya he started it did he, hell he's the reason everyone was in jail...been doing nothing but start shit for days. My advise for him would be to quit pissin in everyone's cheerios and he'd probably fair alot better....but lets get off that stuff and back to the important stuff." As she looked the woman over a smirk spread across her face, " im bettin as fired up as you get, your a screamer aint ya, i can just see it, your hands in my hair, holdin on like ya aint never lettin go, screamin so loud the neighbors are
[17:52] Tarra Thorton (tarrathorton): callin the fuckin hot, you squirt too Doc....i do love me a squirter."

[17:56] Fudge 'Doc' Placebo-Nihil (fudge.placebo) knew that she was a losing a battle with this cop "Don't click your fingers at me dear, my patience is wearing very thin right now. It shouldn't matter that he started it, the first time accepted but the second time? That is a joke in itself." Fudge chose to ignore the fact about the betting comment. The doctor was not in the mood right now to deal with this cop. "I suggest you keep your perverse comments to yourself, I do not appreciate them and they are unjust and uncalled for. I will be making a formal complaint against you too, what is your name?" Fudge was surprised that the cop didn't already introduce herself to the doctor.

[18:03] Tarra Thorton (tarrathorton) rolled her eyes, " ya know a smart man would have learned to keep his mouth shit......its jail not the boys n girls club." She in some small way felt bad for him but it was all of his own doing. Tarra heald up her finger and she started bangin on the keyboard. " I know what pervert is, i gotta look this perverse stuff that like perversion reversed...or are we talkin back door action. Ive always said nothing wrong with a lil slip of the finger.....if ya know what i mean." As the woman went on and on and mentioned filing a complaint Tarra grinned, " You can write it up and file it right over there Doc", she would say as she pointed at the trash can. " The name....Thorton....Tarra Thorton, ya want my phone number too, im not totally opposed to late night booty calls."
[18:03] Fudge 'Doc' Placebo-Nihil (fudge.placebo): mouth shit???? lmaooooooo))
[18:06] Tarra Thorton (tarrathorton): (( oppsie ...damn typos ))

[18:08] Fudge 'Doc' Placebo-Nihil (fudge.placebo) shook her head at the woman "I am pretty sure you have seen a lot of action dear, shame that mouth of yours isn't worn out by now." As Tarra gave Fudge her name, Fudge would store it to memory and get the complaint written up and handed in. "You are so right you should be in that trash can along with the complaint that I will be writing... and as for booty calls, I wouldn't call you even if you were the last vagina that there was and no cock around, so don't flatter yourself." Fudge was getting no where fast and she had to get out before she was arrested herself. Turning on her heels she would move to the door "Chuffing eejit!" Was all the blonde woman said as she headed to the door.

[18:12] Tarra Thorton (tarrathorton) looked back at Bob who was doing his best to avoid eye contact. " Im thinkin she likes me....i mean alot. ya see who she got to jumpin around....." Flexin a bit, " i have that effect on women, call it a curse but it my charming personality that makes um all wet in the panties." Bangin on the glass as the woman started heading out. " Hey Doc, you do where panties dont hoping the answer is no cause im not opposed to slippin under the table and gettin a appitizer if they have long table cloths.... im kinda shy....dont want everyone knowin my business."

[18:15] Fudge 'Doc' Placebo-Nihil (fudge.placebo) couldn't believe the audacity of the woman as she called out to Fudge. However as much as Fudge was wanting to yell out and tell the girl to go forth and multiply she didn't. Oh the bird, maybe she could do the bird, but nope she didn't. Fudge eyed up the young lad as he walked into the station as she was walking out. Quickening her pace she would head out somewhere for a walk perhaps.
[18:17] Tarra Thorton (tarrathorton) shrugged her shoulder. " shes just playin hard to get, she does have a cute ass though." As she looked back at the computer screen. " damn i musta spelled that perverse thing wrong" Sliding off the she turned and grabbed a donut. " so much for dinner"

December 31, 2014 at 2:37 pm
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December 31, 2014 at 9:23 pm
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January 8, 2015 at 2:38 am
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