Steps into the Forum and Waves

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of titiV Resident titiv-resident 9 years, 5 months ago.

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Profile photo of Shayla Acus

shaylakicks resident


Let me introduce Shayla Cain

Name: Shayla Cain
Age: 26
Personality: Curious & resilient
Occupation: In the past she was a stripper, who knows she might go back to fast cash or maybe test the waters elsewhere.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Scent: Delicate Rose and Jasmine

Steps off the bus looking a mess, nothing like the old Shayla the one always put together in the best clothes, mani"s and styles money could buy, who ever said a stripper couldn't live the high life. No this Shayla's body hidden with her baggy sweater a size too big, only a few rolled up 20's stuffed in her bra, and a pack of smokes peeking from the top of her pants pocket. She knew she would need to find work fast, until then make money the fastest way she knew how. Taking a deep breath of the stale city air, she turns to look at the sad motel, dark, and looming over her as if lecturing her to leave this city; Before she can gather her thoughts, the bus pulls away momentarily startling her, sighing she steps toward the door, reaching out to open it and ready to start fresh.

**I've been extremely busy in RL, and maybe just got a little bored with my old RP. I wanted to keep Shayla but test out the water elsewhere. So I've decided to bring her to Deadend. I've kind of kept her the same and with some of the things she did in her past rp being the reason she decided to leave. However, not really focusing on that and its a past that isn't or shouldn't at least haunt her here in DE, but it is the reason she has stumbled here and is staying, starting fresh. I hope I get the chance to get some interesting RP going. Anyway, Like I said before my RL has became extremely busy, from housewife to full time (although I accepted a part time position I usually work over 40 hours a week), with family, school, after school activities... You probably all know, its hard to make any time for self.**

September 17, 2015 at 10:13 am
Profile photo of titiV Resident



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September 17, 2015 at 10:25 pm
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