Spunk R Us NPC Diaries

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If you are alone at the Spunk R Us, feel free to enhance your RP using one of the following NPCs. Thank you to Emogen and Eva for fleshing out the characters.

Please note that the characters have intentionally been designed as the type that will actively avoid combat so please do not try to use them for the same.

Jane (and sister Joan)

Author : Emogen (blairwilson)

Jane's diary

Three weeks and counting I've been working at Spunk. Guess I should say 'we've' been working, but my sister Joan's only managed to work two shifts. Two. Not only am I working my shifts, but I'm working hers too. Why do I work them? Well I know what will happen to Joan if Jimmy starts noticing the empty shifts. She's already speeding down her own fast track to death, might as well not make it faster. Most of the time I can't even find her for days on end. This time? Haven't seen her in three days. I grew up around junkies though so nothin' new to me. Mom was a junkie, Dad was a junkie, hell I even heard my Grandpa was a junkie, but he was dead long before I came into this world. I at least know I'll see Joan once a week. When she knows I've been paid she comes around, comes around to take that money and spend it on her habits. She leaves me with nothing. With as much as I work we don't even have enough for a place to stay, sleep just comes wherever we fall. I don't talk much, never have. Sometimes I can tell the other girls at Spunk think I'm strange. They ask me questions and sometimes I don't even answer. Why? I'm just too tired to even speak. I'm working two people's job. I work the counter twice a day and take on twice as many men and women. Only real friend I have in the place is Joe. He works the night shifts and cleans the place, then again he rarely gets around to the cleaning part. Most of the time he tries to bribe me into doing it, but usually by the time he comes in I've fallen asleep on the back room couch. A few times I've woken up with his cock in my mouth, guess that's what makes us friends because we don't really talk much. The day's go by faster when the customers are more interested in buying me than the DVD's. Not that it means I make any extra money. Working here is about the most corrupt job you might could ever find. Joan and I, we get some crap hourly pay here no matter what happens. A line of ten men could come filing through the door and use me one by one again and again, making the owner of this joint a wad of cash, and what would I get? A measly eight or so dollars for the whole thing. That man Jimmy, he's practically the Devil to me and I'm stuck here working for him. Can't leave, can't run, my whole life's been signed away. Not that my life is really worth much. Still, even in this shit existence, I like to live. My only real times of solace come when I get a well to do visitor and the place is empty. If there's no Jimmy, no Joe, and no girls? Let's just say I skim a little off the top of my price and keep it for myself. I would never survive if I didn't. I live every day terrified that Jimmy will find out about the money I've been pocketing. He'll kill me. He'll kill us both.

** Jane can be found bent over in the corner of the back room sometimes, or passed out either on the sofa downstairs, or the mattress/bed upstairs. Joan can be found passed out in the neighboring alleyway or sleeping somewhere inside Spunk. They are homeless, so to find them sleeping anywhere near the store is fair game.

Big Joe

Author : Evangeline Grantly

The man stood a towering six foot eight inches and his shoes alone were big enough to render a grown man unconscious, weighing in at close to 300 pounds anyone who would look his way might be intimidated by the sight alone. Joseph M. Newmark or Big Joe as he was commonly referred to around the RLD had been the proverbial bogeyman to children he passed on the streets, sporting an unkept mass of long stringy hair and a scraggly beard, his teeth yellowed by the unfiltered cheap stogies that seemed to be permanently shoved into the side of his thick lips. For being as robust as he was, he was eerily silent, only speaking when spoken to and in a low growl of a bass voice. Now late into the night at Spunk's he sat alone, it was slow with only the few drifters rambling in and out, mostly those who roamed the streets and just wanted the warmth the shop could provide, Big Joe sat alone and pulled out a worn leather journal and black ink pen to write.

Another night here at Spunk's and I sit alone in the quiet looking out at the flickering neon of this shit hole of a town. Tonight will be a long one since the upstairs has already been cleaned and someone has finally scraped the glob of hardened mayo I dropped there two weeks ago just to see if and how long it would take for someone to notice. But they don't, they didn't notice it anymore than they notice me besides what they see on the outside and guess at. All of them look at my size, my face and assume that I'm something that I'm not. The looks of fear and trepidation never get by me but which one of them will ever see that my fears run just as deep, my pains my sorrows in life. When will just one of them see more than this giant creature in front of them and see the man I really am. Intelligent enough that I'll take advantage of their judgement and charge them for it while they all feel secure and safe...little do they know that when it comes down to it I will save my own ass and if I'm feeling generous that day call the cops on my way out the back door. Signing off for now the wife just brought me dinner, my one..the only one besides my beloved babies sleeping warmly at home are the only ones I would ever lay my own life down for. Perhaps when I am done, I will use one of the resident sluts for my pleasure. Might as well. They think I am a monster anyway. Laters.

** Joe is the resident cleaner, cameraman, clerk and intimidation. He mainly works the night shift when there are no Playing Characters around. Once he is relieved he will be quick to make his way back to his family unless there is a specific need for him to stick around. Note that while he is intimidating, he will never get into a fight to defend the Spunk or those in it. If anything, he will attempt to serve as a distraction and/or call the cops while you distract someone.

November 17, 2014 at 1:51 am
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