Second DE Daily Debate

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Aria Sharple Aria Sharple 8 years, 9 months ago.

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Aria Sharple


First I would like to thank everyone who attended the first event for doing so, whether audience or candidate, it obviously couldn't have been done without you!

It was mentioned that it would be good to hold the debate at alternate times so other candidates and/or audience could attend, so I do plan to ask Karel if she can act as the panelist for the next one instead of me since she has completely different hours than me usually and that might help with this goal. I am going to ask her to try to do it later in June since it takes so long for people to get their schedules aligned with one another to pick a date, and so will propose some dates and times for her soon, or she might come and do it herself!

Again, thank you so much everyone and I will be writing up the story about it soon!


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