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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Kyo Niimura warumono-mode 9 years, 2 months ago.

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Profile photo of Kyo Niimura



Okay, I'm compiling a giant thread for everyone to read and refresh themselves on the rules in case the notices are being skipped over every now and then. 8D

Should NOT be rezzing on the sim PERIOD, unless you fall under one of the exceptions outlisted below.

Land, apartment, trailer, business, house, vehicle... if you are PAYING for a space, you are allowed to rezz up to your allotted number of prims IN/ON YOUR SPACE (unless it is a vehicle, because those move). Please keep your decor sim related, to realistic urban grunge. Remember that we are a poor ass city so things can be rusted, broken, trashy... Most decor should be on the inside of your buildings. The exception is something like a sign or a poster, but those must stay on your own locations and not scattered about. If you have any questions about something you want rezzed outside your building, please feel free to drop me a line and I'll check it over. No you can not subtract a few prims on one rental and gain a few on another.

If you are a business owner and you are NOT paying for the space, you are allowed up to 15 prims of light decor IN ADDITION to what is already provided by Nadir IN YOUR OWN BUSINESS ONLY. We can not remove what is laid out already. This does not include extra items for events.

If you are hosting an event, you are allowed up to 30 prims for extra decor. If you do not need to use them all please do so, you don't have to fill it to the max just because it is available. Especially now with mesh. If you are hosting a giant, combined or special event and feel like you need more, get with myself or Shade to approve. All decor should go up and be taken down within 24 hours of your event. Please don't forget and log! If we don't know stuff went up it will stay mysteriously on the sim until someone stumbles across it confused and then it will likely be returned to disappear forever into your lost and found. If you need temporary rezz rights ask and it shall be granted but do not abuse this!

If you have a specific scene that you want to rezz something for, it should probably be a fairly big scene and something that is vital. You don't need to rezz a beer cup while you sit at the bar. Please ASK AN ADMIN before doing this to get your okay. This is things like Fire Department supplies (which don't need permission but just please remember to pick up when finished), major storyline props, etc. We all have imaginations and can read posts! Vehicle's are not allowed, you must pay to drive. Anything that you can ride that is not attached to a person counts as a vehicle (bikes are a no. Roller skates are a yes).

You are allowed to decorate for holidays if you are a business or a house/land owner, however you are only allowed 5-10 extra prims on top of what you are already allowed. This means if you are paying for a rental and are allowed 50 prims, you can have up to 60. If you aren't allowed any, you can have up to 10. Again you do not have to go to the max (or even decorate at all) if you don't need/want to. I believe this rule will be changing in the future once Nadir is done making changes and additions so be prepared for that and don't be like 'but Kyo said...!' These decorations can go outside, but stay on your own buildings please, and also try to keep in the dark, grungy theme! I know it's hard for happy holidays, but mostly just common sense here.

NONE of your items should have particles, No crazy flashing lights (holiday lights are fine just not bright ass beacons or spotlights, etc), No sounds/music, should not spam invites, group chat, and whatever else an Admin may deem annoying. Try not to have massive paragraphs of floating text. Scripted items are pretty much on a case by case basis, since obviously vehicles are usually scripted. Scripted pets are not allowed. If you really want to carry a non-scripted pet please remember that only domestic cats and dogs are allowed, same as playable pets. Staff does not get special rezzing privileges. We also have to pay for our rights.

Again stressing here: PLEASE TRY TO STAY IN THEME! If something doesn't match it's environment Admin does have the final say.

I hope that covers everything, if you have questions let me know! 🙂

December 4, 2015 at 3:32 am
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