questions and input on and for faction leads

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Profile photo of Lyssandra Ritter

lyssandra69 resident


Dear fellow faction leads and faction officers,

I would like to start this to exchange some input and learn from the more experienced ones.

Black Mamba is now a stage 2 faction and very old school. So we have basically three levels, 1 recruit, 2 full member, 3 officer (Mamba fangs). For each grade we do a little initiation or ritual, of course also often a test on loyalty.
Personally I like this since it deepens RP but it makes things of course slow since we do not simply raise a glass and say “okay, you´re in”. For example yesterday a potential recruit had to show her guts by tattooing something nasty on the body of an unwilling victim ((OOCly all cool)) bound in the hideout, before being allowed the ceremonial cut.

Such things are always decided not by me alone but at least one officer, better more. How do you other factions decide and take in new members?

The roster
I know that we do roleplay and not cred hunting, still the roster is of course an easy way to monitor if and in how far members bring themselves in. We see their presence on SIM, and we see their street cred – and in the Mamba that varies from a cred about 20 to a cred about 130. Well a regular presence and sometimes helping at a SIM owned biz should easily allow a cred between 30 and 40.
Do you look at cred? How do you motivate not so active members to bring themselves more in? Do you eject inactive members and on what parameters you look then?

Depending on how this develops I may come with more input…
hugs innocent and charming Lyss 😉

February 26, 2015 at 4:00 am
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