Public Services Dead End

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Profile photo of Xelan Yheng

xelan morgath


A new business in Dead End, that might need some explaining.

Public Services DE is a private contractor that is commissioned by City Hall to keep the streets clean in and around the city. The activities involve sweeping and cleaning of the streets and also garbage collecting. It does not involve repair of streets.
Workers (npc) that used to work for City Hall to clean the streets have all been offered a job at PSDE against the same wages they already had. Those that were opposed to this development of privatizing public services, have been put to work in other sectors of the governmental services. The equipment of the previous city cleaning service has been transferred to PSDE and will be maintained by the new company, but will remain property of the city.
The schedules for garbage collecting will be maintained as was usual, so there is no difference there. In fact, for the population of the city nothing really changes. The biggest difference is that the cleaning services now cost only half of what it used to cost. The PSDE receives a small funding of City Hall but will earn it's income from the materials that are extracted from the garbage they collect. Recycling is what PSDE is all about. Items that can be repaired and reused will be sold by the PSDE in the Pawn Shop. Both businesses are separate but owned by the same owner, Miss. Xelan Yheng.

So far the official story. But what does this mean for roleplay purposes and what can players gain by becoming a PSDE cleaner? First of all we hope to build a fun team of cleaners and scavengers. By roleplaying together we hope to be able to create fun scenes that might very well lead up to lots of stories. Secondly, it offers an excuse to walk about and work in areas where your character normally would not be. Again with the purpose to create interaction between plaers. Thirdly, the PSDE is a great front for all sorts of criminal activities. Who's to say what is garbage and what not? And City Hall doesn't care what we do as long as the street stay clean at low costs and garbage gets collectd on schedule.
The City Dump, where all the garbage is actually collected, reculced and for the most part burned, is not available on sim but there are ways to work around that. Items that are disposed of and are still operable will eventually turn up in the pawn shop for instance. So no need to actually go to the dumpsite yourself. It's also possible to ask the PSDE to keep an eye out for something specifically.
The PSDE is run by the Pawns, a faction of thieves that don't really care about property laws and rules and will do just about anything to make some money. Disguised as an environmentally sound left wing political group, they steal and plunder anything they can get their hands on. Freedom, they call that. And if you want to get rid of something, you can always count on the PSDE to take care of that. Weapons, evidence but even corpses... the city cleaners make swift work of that.
Not all coworkers of the PSDE are Pawns of course and vice versa. But we do see the PSDE as one of our fishing ponds, just like the Pawn Shop has been in the last year.

So if you are interested in dumpster diving, running around with a broom or even drive around in a street sweeping cart of garbage truck, contact Xelan Yheng for a job. You don't need to be a Pawn to be a cleaner. It might even be interesting to have members of other factions working for the PSDE.

Last but not least, we are going to negotiate IC with the people from the Justice Department about alternative punishment for criminals. Instead of sitting in jail for three days it might be very interested to clean the streets wearing an ankle bracelet and a broom for such an amount of time. Community Service can be a very interesting part of rp within our community, given the chance of course.

Any other ideas or suggestions are always welcome.


Xelan Yheng

November 22, 2015 at 7:51 am
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November 23, 2015 at 12:30 am
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xelan morgath


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November 24, 2015 at 8:09 am
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