Proposing a in character Esbat for ‘Blood Moon’ on the 29th.

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Proposing a in character Esbat for ‘Blood Moon’ on the 29th.

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What the IC annoucement would be, most likely on fliers.

Keeping to popular Wiccan and modern occult practices, the Tarot and Occult Book Shop will be open to all of pleasant intent this 29th of October early morning. Your host Uilliam Causten invites you to partake in absinthe, tarot readings, and a prize of 250$L for the best modern witch outfit worn in honor of the season.

Who: Uilliam Causten
Where: The Tarot and Occult Book Shop, in the tarot reading lounge. (Located at the corner of Riverside and Lonely across from the parking garage in the corner.)
When: The night of the 28th of October, from 9 to 12:30 SL/PST time. (Time of the full Moon zenith across North America for this month.)
Why? To have a fun gathering, pre-Halloween, tied to the occult that won't compete with other Halloween events all ready planned.

What is an Esbat?

It is a modern Wicca practice in a lot of parts of Europe and North America. While the eight Sabbats of the year are more important on the Wiccan calander, such as Samhain on October 31st. Sabbats are a time of coven business, and high ritual. While the thirteen full moons of the year, the Esbats, are a time of socialization and celebration in the coven. Basically a reason to get together, drink, and have communal debauchery.

Why is it called Blood Moon?

Thats a traditional name given to the October full moon, among others like the Hunter's Moon, or Full Harvest Moon. European settlers to the North American continent adapted the Native American names for the full moons, and they are a part of agricultural and Wiccan lore and tradition in the U.S. today.

Whats the occult angle of it?

One initiated into the secrets of Dead End's occult underworld wouldn't need to ask that. 😈

October 25, 2012 at 7:07 pm
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