Pagan’s Story

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Profile photo of pagan-ghostraven



Pagan Ghostraven
Age- 19
Hair color- blond
eye color- blue
height- 5'10''
distinguishing marks- scar down right eye,tattoos multiple front back, sleeves
Hometown- Boston MAS
Criminal Record- Petty Theft,Prostitution,Grand Theft Auto,Shoplifting,Possession with intent to distribute

Discovered on courthouse steps in Boston Mass shortly after birth. Unknown parents. Sent to Jackson's Orphanage shortly after discovery. Baby boy Doe was named Pagan Ghostraven at age 7... First known records of schooling started shortly afterwards. Grades average to below average with teachers saying that he was not living up to his full potential.
Jackson's Orphanage investigations started shortly afterwards and all students from the orphanage pulled and places in an in house education system.
Age 10: Pagan and known accomplice Bean Darkfire arrested for petty theft. This is a trend that will continue for the rest of their time at Jackson's
Age 13: first arrest for prostitution
Age 16: Both Pagan Ghostraven and Bean Darkfire reported missing from Jackson's.. Sightings of the duo are reported across the country. Mostly by trucker drivers and underbelly types..
Age 17: Pagan reported missing.. Last known location was turning a trick for a woman. The woman is reported by Bean Darkfire as some sort of Doctor. Bean is placed in protective custody. Bean escapes and follows her partner.
During this time Pagan was admitted into an insane asylum and used for whatever the doctor wanted him to be used for.. Bean at this time was confronted by the owner of Jackson's and he mysteriously turned up dead.. The investigation for the murder is still being played out in Detroit..
Any record of Pagan being institutionalized was lost at this time but it gives him a deep seeded fear of doctors and almost all things medical. The fact that the doctor was female also made him afraid of most women.
Age 19: Pagan escapes and hops a truck to the first place that he can get to, the place happens to be Dead End.. He is then reunited with his sister Bean... The rest as they say is history.

April 22, 2012 at 10:07 pm
Profile photo of synrosa



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April 23, 2012 at 9:00 pm
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