New Hospital Discharge Process

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We are missing huge opportunities for RP by not following up with our patients. From now on, we're encouraging that all patients be contacted via IN CHARACTER phone calls prior to discharging from roster terminals. The attached notecard is an IN CHARACTER memo. This change will give us all medical role play to enjoy even when we have no patients in the hospital!

This is why the after-care instructions change was made last month. I have embedded that card into this one for convenience.

**Contents of attached notecard**
To: All Hospital staff
From: Dr. Princess Yheng
RE: Changes to the Hospital discharge policies.

Good day and good health,

As many of you are acutely aware, the Dead End health system is in a very difficult financial position. Rather than proceed with layoffs, we are going to adopt new policies that will generate revenue and keep more of our staff employed.

Starting now, we should be contacting patients via phone call and offering follow up care services. The more services we deliver, the more we can bill for. The more we can bill for, the more of you we need on staff. It is imperative that we speak directly to our patients. Do not leave messages! ((only contact players when they are ONLINE. This will prevent IM capping from being a problem and cut down on our patients being contacted multiple times.))

If you have any questions, please direct them to a hospital/asylum board member.

Dr. Princess Yheng, MD-PHD

((An OOC step-by-step of how this actually works))
*contents of notecard*
Discharging a patient is done through the roster terminals located in the Hospital lobby or the Asylum guard station. Please follow the process documented here for discharging patients.

1. Log in to the roster terminal and look at the patients tab.
2. Perform an SL people search on a patient's name and verify they are online.
3. Pull up the patient's chart and familiarize yourself with the after care instructions.
4. IM the patient and role play an in character phone call. Invite the patient return to the hospital and play out the after care.

One of the following happens:

5a. If the patient states they will not be coming back to play the after care, discharge them from the roster terminal. Make a new chart documenting that the patient refused follow up care so you can get credit for the role play.

5b. If the patient states they want to come back and play out the after care but want to schedule it, schedule the patient as you see fit. Regardless of if you and the patient can come to an agreed time to play, do not discharge the patient. Do not make a new chart until the patient is discharged.

5c. If the patient comes in to role play the after care, discharge the patient. Create a new chart summarizing your care of the patient so you can get credit for the role play!

Patients will be discharged by leads after fourteen days. If this happens and you had scheduled role play, you may continue to play it out and enter a chart when it is completed. Simply skip the step of actually clicking discharge on the roster system.

((A repost of the after-care instructions announcement))
*links to original forum post on this topic*

October 8, 2015 at 10:14 pm
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