
Home Forums Introductions Monique

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of monique Anonymous 12 years, 7 months ago.

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Monique is a born and raised Dead End girl.She saw her town gradually decay into what it is now.

As the only Daughter of a disfunctional family she was always asked to take sides and involuntarilly became part of the fights. She was never able to concentrate in school and was never interested in spending time with other kids her age.

She grew up and went to high school, where she found shelter in drug usage, which made her spend more time with the wrong crowd. Eventually she dropped out of school to pursue a life of nothingness, getting high and following bands as a groupie.

Her family got fed up with her and kicked her out, she was forced to live in an abandoned house with her friends. Everything was ok for a while. She was living the anarch life with her friends, without any care in the world, her only "responsability" was to please the guys she was living with so at the end of day she would get her dose and her share from their loot.

Unfortunately, her friends got busted in a robbery and she had to start making a life of her own.

No education, no manners and no desire to make a decent living.

Monique resorts to the trade she believes knows the best, sellling her body to the night.

August 9, 2012 at 2:31 am
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