Jillian Masters – Woman on a Mission

Home Forums Introductions Jillian Masters – Woman on a Mission

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Profile Pic #1 by twisted.jill, on Flickr

Prior to the events that drove her to Deadend and the hinterlands of emotional health, Jill was unhappily married and working as a paramedic in Los Angeles. She had been raised as a believing Baptist and had not been sexually active until she married her childhood sweetheart at age 20 when she graduated community college and went to work. She was idealistic, liked being a paramedic so she could help people and thought as long as she did what was expected of her, life would be ok.

But, several things conspired over ten years to erode her idealism and sense of purpose.

01..Jill was one of the fortunate women who can easily experience powerful/multiple orgasms, meaning that after she finally had sex she really liked it and wanted more. This intimidated her new husband greatly, and he began subtly treating Jill like she had something wrong with her or was some kind of a slut. This began undermining their marriage.

02..Jill's husband was secretly bisexual..... actually he was gay and faking the bisexual part, but also very repressed about it. He wasn't out cruising for men, but was very unhappy having to fake being normal. This led to depression, which led to drinking and then full blown alcoholism. He really felt bad about how unhappy he was making Jill, but never outed himself to her or tried to make any kind of allowance for her - fearing that doing so would get his secret out in public and destroy his nice middle-class respectability. Generally, this made both him and Jill miserable. Him being an associate minister in a mega-church did not make this any easier.

03..Jill's job as an LA paramedic exposed her to the worst of the city's underside. Murders, rapes, abused children, overdoses and every horror urban life can produce. She had been on the job for nine years when (two years ago) her longtime work partner and friend was killed on the job by gang-members who were out to finish off the gunshot victim they were about to transport to the hospital. The shiny new paramedic partner she was assigned later only pointed out to her how much of her zeal for helping people had been lost to LAs underground or had died with her partner. She began creeping up on burnout, but managed not to start drinking or otherwise messing up her life mainly out of dedication to her job and fear that if she somehow freaked out, it would hurt her husbands career.

04..Jill's new partner was a very attractive man and wasted no time trying to put some moves on his "hottie older woman partner". During a moment of weakness, Jill almost took him to bed after an exceptionally horrendous shift that saw them sent off duty early, but changed her mind at the last minute and thre w her uniform back on and fled his apartment before anything really happened.

05..Jill arrived home after resisting temptation to find that her husband had, in an alcoholic lapse, come home blotto with one of his ( also apparently gay) church deacons and caught the two of them in the act of breaking several commandments. She fled the scene before either of them realized she was there and never said anything to her husband about it, but this was the trigger for some very fundamental changes in Jill's world view.

God probably was a myth. Good people really did finish last. Everybody was getting their freak on but her.

While driving around in a funk, Jill stopped for gas and out of impulse bought a lottery ticket ( it was something her dead partner had always done). That night she won the national MegaBall lotto, one of the top ten jackpots ever paid out. As soon as she had the money, she did the following things;

01..Rented an apartment, bought new clothing and generally abandoned her old stuff - she just never came home

02..Hired a lawyer and had divorce papers drawn up

03..Quit her job

04..Followed California law and paid her ex his half of the lottery winnings, having them delivered along with the divorce papers by a nearly nude gay prostitute to morning services at his church. This made rather a commotion after the "singing telegram" incident became public.

05.Hired a shady private investigator to run surveillance on her ex and record choice tidbits, and generally make sure his illusion of propriety became public knowledge.

06..Began extensive cosmetic surgery and fitness training, not to hide her identity but to make her thirty-ish body ( which was NOT ugly to start with) into something rather special. The scars one picks up working as a paramedic were removed, lips puffed, tummy tightened, boobs rejuvenated, butt lifted. Her skin was gone over by experts and her hair was gone over by the finest stylist on Rodeo drive. Jill blossomed.

07..Transformation complete, she moved to an economically challenged city in order to find new ways to entertain herself

08..Had her lawyer deliver a chunk of her winnings to the widow and kids of her late partner.

Her New Objective-

This could be summed up as maybe trying to find out if anyone is really incorruptible, or if everyone has their price.

Jill now specialises in trying to buy what is not for sale (especially including people), and in seducing people into doing things that they might not have previously considered. When she finds the occasionally trustworthy person, she does her best to recruit them or otherwise help the, a little - but when she finds people who are as she expects them to be; corruptible - it only reaffirms her anger at what she feels was a wasted her life.

Jill is into control ; previously she felt like her life was controlled by others expectations - so now she takes steps to ensure that she calls the shots in her life. This can lead to an almost BDSM type relationship with people close to her, with the pecking order well established and good behavior rewarded. She has discovered that she likes this, and her appetite is growing.

Jill is discovering her kinks and purposefully explores the exotic. She gets a sexual thrill out of corrupting other people and by being that "evil woman" that her ex spent so many years preaching against. Oddly, she also reacts well to loyalty and if she ever finds someone who truly and altruistically loves her, the effect this will have is probably profound.

Jill is becoming more and more ruthless as she goes along, having abandoned her traditional morality- consorting with criminals and committing crimes no longer bothers her.

So, Jill has gone if not insane, then has acquired a VERY intense focus around her changed world-view. It's a controlled and functional insanity, but she is systematically and symbolically shredding all the moral fabric of her former life and grinding it into the floor.

Ultimately she will build up to some spectacular act of revenge on her ex, but that's for the far future.

April 8, 2012 at 7:04 am
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April 8, 2012 at 8:36 am
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April 8, 2012 at 11:10 am
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April 8, 2012 at 12:30 pm
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April 9, 2012 at 12:31 am
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April 27, 2012 at 5:25 pm
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April 27, 2012 at 8:43 pm
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