
Home Forums Introductions Gabriella/Rosaline

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Profile photo of gabrielle-thibodeaux



I'm as guilty as, figured I should give some insight on the sisters.

Rosaline (25yrs) - first DE character and Nick's wife. Has known Nick since they were kids, he was her first school girl crush. She's the brilliant daughter of a mafia Godfather and Cambridge socialite. Graduated from Harvard Law at 18. Was defending hitmen for 7yrs, until her father announced he made an arrangement for her to be married to another Godfather, one more than double her age. It was then she knew she had to leave Boston. Hearing about Nick leaing years back and ending up in some city called Dead End, she showed up one day and found him tending bar in Lulu's. After catching up and telling him her story. He decided to marry her himself. He seemed for awhile to resent her, but that was more out of his fear of loving her. It had been a hellish, abusive marriage, but Rosa's always been loyal. After getting pregnant, he seemed to change and things eventually got better between them. It was then she'd found out about him having a Mistress....

Enter Gabriella (18yrs)...the daughter of a mafia Godfather and his mistress. Her mother was sent away back to Louisiana when she revealed her pregnancy to her lover. Was born poor, but still a smart kid. She did fairly well in school and never knew about her father. At 18, she grew tired of the simple, small town life and ended up in Dead End hearing about the movie industry. She didn't know then it was porn. Upon her arrival, she met up with a cop, Nick. He decided he was going to use her to make some extra cash, pimp her out, drug mule, etc. He'd gotten her hooked on heroin for awhile. Somewhere, he fell for her, detoxed her and took her as his lover. She entered the police force and enrolled in college to study psychology. It wasn't until someone called her 'Rosa' one day that she started asking questions. Coming face to face with Rosa, they'd talked and together discovered they are half sisters.

Present Day - well, let's just say the sisters are keeping it in the family and very protective of Nick. Gabby took his last name, though not legally married to him and both are carrying his babies. Sound twisted? Watch Sister Wives on's not as crazy as it seems.

April 19, 2012 at 9:44 am
Profile photo of synrosa



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April 22, 2012 at 9:13 am
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