Drakkaar Lordhunter

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of admin admin 12 years, 11 months ago.

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Profile photo of drakkaar-lordhunter



Hello there. In the sim, I go by 'Drake' who is a newly appointed police officer, but has a history of law enforcement experience. For a detailed history on his background, refer to his profile picks.

I came to this sim about a month ago, and I admit to having a certain degree of skepticism concerning it. But from the day I stepped on as an observer to now being an active member, I can honestly say that this is the best sim I've come acrossed in all the years I've been in SL (I know my year-to-date profile says differently, but I had to re-new my account). My compliments go to the creators' imaginations for bringing this sim to life. I've had a lot of fun roleplaying along with some of you, and look forward to spending more time down the road.

In Dead End, Drake serves two roles. The first is obvious and seen on a regular basis. He's a peace officer looking to fulfill whatever role needed at any given time. When it comes to the law, he'll generally follow his own moral compass in spite of what the law may actually state. He'll seldom cite people or arrest them unless there's an genuine need to do so (he hates paperwork). On the same token, he can be opportunistic in using the law as leverage against certain types of crimimals (of the female pursuasion I assure you) in his pursuit to pacify certain appetites. His primary base of operations will obviously be from the department building, but will occasionally frequent others as needed. However, the real purpose for him in being a cop is to use it as a foundation to springboard his darker activities into existance.

In the spirit of the sim, he does have a corrupt side to his persona, but this side of his character has been harder to develop. He's looking for property to base his darker activites out of, but land is at a premium in Dead Drop, so it may be a while in coming. What those actiivities may entail, I won't say. It will have to be a surprise. Hopefully it will make for some fun roleplaying.

March 24, 2012 at 2:42 am
Profile photo of admin



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March 25, 2012 at 5:36 am
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