Dead End Daily Debate Log and Article

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Aria Sharple Aria Sharple 8 years, 9 months ago.

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Aria Sharple


The article for the debate is posted at the paper :

The log for the event follows, edited to remove OOC and radar messages :

[2016/06/03 12:53:00] Aria Sharple: /me smiles briefly to the two candidates, and motions towards the podiums, "Please take a podium and we will get started soonishly!
[2016/06/03 12:53:04] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me smirks looking at the podiums, "Are we going to have enough?"
[2016/06/03 12:54:00] Aria Sharple: /me shrugs her shoulders faintly, "I imagine so, though if that whole family shows up suddenly I think one of them will have to speak for them all.
[2016/06/03 12:54:10] Vie Masala (violet.bearsfoot): /me made her way inside and well said nothing. just listened and nodded to aria taking a podium.. she hated this kind of thing, and was already in a mood so.. her attitude would probably just suck.
[2016/06/03 12:59:13] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me takes a slot behind a podium. Reaching into his vest and playing out some note cards. Dion is just a tad high right now, knowing this is not the time or place to let his temper get the better of him, so he had smoked a joint or two, he can't remember , before coming over.
[2016/06/03 13:00:00] Aria Sharple: /me is catching her breath too so going to wait to see
[2016/06/03 13:01:36] Shade Manx: /me tosses her traveler bottle of whiskey in the trash as she makes her way to the elevator, She sucks on her cigarette like it is the phantom dick of her dreams.. "Fuck" she says, and hits the button after tossing ehr smoke out.. and heading to the podium... She grunts something seeing Vie wore the same dress as her.. But it's in The Chant, and it's grumpy sounding.
[2016/06/03 13:02:52] Aria Sharple: /me sorts through some papers, there is always papers, she then turns to the candidates and smiles, "While we wait to let people settle in I'll go over some of the rules.."
[2016/06/03 13:03:56] Vie Masala (violet.bearsfoot): /me is probably half glaring at everyone, grumpy was a thing, and she hurt, pain meds though.. helping to keep her from hopefully trying to strangle anyone she look at shade and also muttered something about style, even if hers was way diff cause pink! she turned her attention to Aria though, trying to wipe the glare from her face.
[2016/06/03 13:05:44] Aria Sharple: /me tries to motion for people to head on up into the stands as they enter while she talks to the candidates, "You will each be asked questions, in no particular order.. When asked, you of course are expected to give a concise answer... try to keep it within a few breaths please.. Any of the other candidates may respond if they wish, but only that once, and if they do, they must allow the person whose turn it was, to have the last word... Depending on time there may be a quick couple of questions taken from randomly selected members of the audience towards the end."
[2016/06/03 13:06:00] Luna Ann McAddams (lunawaterlily): /me She had stopped and bought candy and pop and things as she wondered up to the theater, she picks a seat, holding onto her box of sour patch kids and chocolate covered peanuts. she settles down and wait patiently, coughing or something noisy like that.
[2016/06/03 13:07:00] Shade Manx: /me hears the rules and nods, as she leans against the podium. She rubs the side of her ehad, because its been a long ass couple of days
[2016/06/03 13:07:24] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me leans forward looking at Vie and Shades cloths, and is really tempted to dig about it but decides not too for now. "Rules? Depending on who shows might have to have some no spiting rules...." Grins thinly as he he pops a couple of lozenges into his mouth, one to support the nicotine patch he has on, and the other to keep that soothing THC buzz rolling.
[2016/06/03 13:08:57] Vie Masala (violet.bearsfoot): /me listens to the reporter and nods, otherwise just staring at a point in the back of the room, she fully intended on only speaking when she absolutely had to.. at least that was her intent. she took a moment to cglance between Dion and Shade and groan before looking back to that point in the back
[2016/06/03 13:10:01] Aria Sharple: /me slips into a chair and setting the papers in front of her she says, "Well then let's begin.. First I would like to introduce myself. My name is Aria Sharple, and I am the current Editor for the Dead End Daily, which is co-hosting this debate for the citizens of Dead End to get a better sense of the people they are potentially going to elect to city council. I would like to thank our co-host, the Theatre for allowing us all to meet here for this occasion as well."
[2016/06/03 13:10:22] Malakai Graestone (slevin.draconia): /me with little life to his presence made his way into the theatre. It seemed, like most days Kai had pulled himself out of a run down slum again after a long bender on the pipe. Kai rounded the theatre and would head to the back of it, once he had reached a desired spot to sit he would unlace his bat and stand it against the chair before he himself sat down. Kai's vision moved about the room and spotted a varying number of faces he remembered. Was good to be home was it not? He lifted a boot and planted it onto the head of the chair before him, his left arm tucked behind his head and he was comfy.
[2016/06/03 13:10:59] Nuku McAddams (nuku.nemeth): /me looked at luna as as she sat down with her bag leaning over and wispered " i brought cheeze popcorn if ya want some, cause this may get interesting " she grinned she did not mention the milk dud, cause fuck that those where her milkduds
[2016/06/03 13:11:54] Aria Sharple: /me waits for people to get settled in and then continues, "I would like to open the debate by asking each of you in turn, from the gentleman to my left and moving towards the right, to please introduce yourself, and your reason for running for this important position."
[2016/06/03 13:12:00] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): /me came up as well into the theater, his Dion campaign button on, and sat down in the front.
[2016/06/03 13:12:15] **RE** Aeternum Bracelet: RealEvil Industries
[2016/06/03 13:13:54] Luna Ann McAddams (lunawaterlily): /me leaning over to Nuku she whispers "wooot... hey hey.. wanna see how far a sourpatch kid can fly?" she waggled her eyebrows and shook the box making a bit of noise, horrible audience member is horrible. opening the box she pops a sour patch kid in her mouth and sucks on it, listening she thinks... for now she eats this one.
[2016/06/03 13:17:59] Nuku McAddams (nuku.nemeth): /me took out her milk duds and opened them on up, she leaned back in the seat looking around, she wondered why not all the candidates are here, she thought pagan was running as well, she smiled at luna trying to hold back a chuckle and whispered " bet i can fling one farther then you sis" oh lord... the sisterly shenanigans were starting
[2016/06/03 13:18:35] Malakai Graestone (slevin.draconia): /me nonchalantly drifted a hand over to his bat and begun to dig a fingernail under any stray splinters on his bat. Idle hands do... Fuck all, at this point in time. His cold hue's were mostly stolen by Nuku and Luna. Their antics were always priceless.
[2016/06/03 13:18:46] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me clearing his throat adjusting his tie, "Haven't been called that in awhile, its the suit right?..." smirking thinly. "My name id Dion Lambert I have lived here in De for the better part of a decade now... I am a business man and have always had my business centered in our city... I have faith in the people of this city... faith that leads me to believe that with the right leadership... we can over come the hurdles that we face together as a city... And I believe I am that kind of leader... and would be honored if the people of this city had that same faith in me and would support me for that role."
[2016/06/03 13:20:58] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): /me sat quietly, his legs crossed, as he sat and listened to the candidates, here in support of Dion and if he were here, Pagan. Looking around the room, he took note of all the people that had come to listen to the debate.
[2016/06/03 13:22:15] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me walked in quietly and sat down in the first chair available, which was next to Mitt. As she started listening she leaned over to Mitt and whispered "Dragar Noir" in as low a voice as she could muster, just because the scent caught her tremendously and she found that always funny when people said it.
[2016/06/03 13:23:14] Ming Yheng: /me smiled to the crowd, bowing her head a little, all humble and whatnot. As she screwed her eyes up again she took a deep breath. " Hello, people, thank you all for attending this....uhm...", Ming pulled a piece of paper out of her cleavage, unfolded it and seemed to search for something written on it.."...ah! Debate, lah! That's the word. I am here to tell all of you why you should vote for me and not for the others because what I want , is the truth finally being said and fight the corr...colle...err..corruption in this city and make it a place we ALL want to live in..that's it"..Ming wiped her forehead with the back of her left hand and quickly added: " Oh! And my name is Ming Yheng!"
[2016/06/03 13:24:51] Luna Ann McAddams (lunawaterlily): /me oh yes sisterly shenanigans were always the best thing, she would offer the box and whisper "50 bucks says you cant get it down one of thems shirts.. well the girls.. cause dion aint got no boobs.. Dion needs like double Ds he might have chance at this whole politic thing" if Nuku took some she would take one out, and would lazily toss one in Mitts head general area. shes totally listening to the debate introduction thing.
[2016/06/03 13:26:21] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me applauds after hearing Ming speak the truth. Then looks behind her as something hit her on the head.
[2016/06/03 13:26:31] Malakai Graestone (slevin.draconia): /me when adressed with Mings cultural bow, he did well to bow his head in a nod too. Though, there was always a smirk planted on his lips, especially at events like this. Kai's eyes lingered on Xelan for a while but he was sure to return attention on the candidates soon enough.
[2016/06/03 13:28:18] Vie Masala (violet.bearsfoot): /me Listened while Dion introduced himself, then Ming, trying very hard not to roll her eyes. but she managed and looked to the room. kind of.. her gaze fell on the people behind aria, but she never actually saw them, ok maybe she saw luna.. cause candy.Her gaze shifted to her husband as he made his way inside, and the eye roll was no longer avoidable, she was now ready to go.. but yeah the thing had to be done so she pasted on her smile " Hi. im Vie Masala, and unlike most of the other candidates i have lived in the city only a couple of years, I am running because of that. personally I hate politics and wouldnt even have considered this however I feel that I may see problems that they are oblivious to, and have no agenda of my own and only want to make the town better."
[2016/06/03 13:28:19] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): /me slips in late and takes a seat in the back like she's a troublesome student
[2016/06/03 13:29:41] Nuku McAddams (nuku.nemeth): /me looked over as she saw anjel and gave a wave before luna stole her attention away, she got a sly grin to her face as she spoke and whispered " fuck getting it in shirts ..i bet you i can get one to stick right on dion's forehead" she was trying hard not to laugh, there was a chance she may not throw anything, she watched luna toss the sour patch kid and hit xelly causing her to cover her mouth with a snicker before popping a milk dud in her mouth and sucking on it her aim to get all the chocolate off it
[2016/06/03 13:30:24] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): /me frowned a little when he felt something ping off his head but in a show of restriant, he sat there quietly and ignored the stray candy, though his writer would love one popped right in my mouth. When Xelly sat next to him, and whispered that too him, he had to fight a laugh, and gave a little nod of his head. Whispering back to her, "Yes, Dragar it is," he joked back because he did find that funny.
[2016/06/03 13:35:22] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me leans over to Mitt again and whispers "Dion wears Old Spice, doesn't he?" and grins as she finds that an even funnier joke.
[2016/06/03 13:35:43] Shade Manx: /me clears her throat and takes a breath. "My name is Shade Manx, I have been a member of the DEPD for several years, achieving the rank of Captain before stepping down from the position early this year as I finished my law degree, and moved on to Assistant district attorney for the city and county of Dead End. I'm running for City Council because I feel that the city is a pit of wasted potential, and the basic problem with this city is crime. We have beautiful lake front, some of the best fishing in the world right there on Lake Michigan, but people are afraid to come here. The police have outdated equipment, and due to budget cuts laid forth by the old city council there is no money to hire more. With my tough on crime approch the city will be able to draw the developers who draw the tourist dollars, and will in turn bring business to the small business owners of Dead End..I am the only candidate who is battle tested and ready to make the change that will make Dead End Great again." She says most of that
[2016/06/03 13:35:43] Shade Manx: looking straight forward like she was looking at the audience, but in reality she was looking slightly to the left so she could avoid actually looking at anyone and letting the fact that she was talking infront of a group be at least somewhat missed..
[2016/06/03 13:38:56] Luna Ann McAddams (lunawaterlily): /me Couldnt hold back the giggle as the sour patch kid pinged off mitts head and then to xelly. Biting the inside of her lip for the moment, she hmmed and would nod her head, "Deal" she would whistle as Vie introduced herself and let out a "Woot Woot!" but then she would move to pop a sour patch kid in her mouth to start sucking a bit of the sour off before looking right at Dions forehead, thinking on the best course of action here... because money involved, thats it for the time being... listening being totally innocent, then listening to Shade.
[2016/06/03 13:40:29] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): /me hide his smile behind his hand and gave Xelly a little sideways glance, amused at her teasing. He didn't say anything though either for or against it. "I don't know. I have recently went up to sniff him," he and his grin grew a bit at the idea of him doing that and the reaction that would ensue which would probably be a good slap to the side of his head.
[2016/06/03 13:40:44] Aria Sharple: /me smiles as the candidates finish introducing themselves and pipes up again, "Welcome to all of you. Unfortunately my colleague Karel could not attend the debate herself, but she provided me a list of questions to ask on her behalf. My first however will be for Mister Lambert. As you are doubtless aware of, on the national scale, there is a candidate currently doing pretty poorly with women for various reasons in polls. The organization you run, some call it a church, others a cult, has been accused by numerous people of being involved in rape, forced impregnation, and blackmail against members wanting to leave by using threats against their children. How do you answer to this, and how do you think you will fare among women who comprise a significant portion of the voting population in Dead End?"
[2016/06/03 13:41:52] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): havent* went to sniff him >.<
[2016/06/03 13:45:11] Nuku McAddams (nuku.nemeth): /me leaned over to luna and if she let her, she would take a sourpatch kid from her and pop it in her mouth after she finished the milk dud, she cringed a bit at the sourness makeing a weird face as those up front where talking, she was not paying much mind as, well the ones she would vote for where not even here, she listened to the question that was given and she let out a snort still sucking on that sour patch kid, getting it good and ready
[2016/06/03 13:45:56] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me chuckles at Mitt's remark and leans back for another whisper. "I bet Shade wears Chanel 5, thinking that makes her a lady." And chuckling she adds with a whisper "Not working at all."
[2016/06/03 13:47:33] Ming Yheng: /me should be glad she didn't hear Xelan's whisper...surely she'd ask her if she was talking about Shade's slit using the word 'channel'...
[2016/06/03 13:48:19] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me wetting his lips as he takes a slow deep breath, "Accusations... not charges not being sent to prison for... Lets just make that clear... Holding me accountable for the actions of people that hold the same faith as me... something.. I have had no intent of bringing into this discussion... politics is not the place for religion... would be akin to holding other candidates accountable for the nefarious activities of their friends and family... are we going to do that as well? I am a business man.. and a family man... I love women... and find anyone that claims otherwise spewing nothing but slander and filling this conversation with nothing but personal attacks something I personally do not wish to stoop too..."
[2016/06/03 13:50:38] mikatsu: /me whispers to Xelan "since when does Dion not stoop to personal attacks... heard many girls say he did, and they never seemed the same afterwards."
[2016/06/03 13:51:28] Shade Manx: /me turns and faces Dion, arching an eyebrow but saying nothing. her finger tips tapping on the podium, as she stares at him giving the worldless statement of, Da fuck you say.. Political asshole moves 101..
[2016/06/03 13:51:38] Aria Sharple: /me nods a little and turns to Shade, "Ms Manx, you have been, by your own introduction, involved for a long time in the police department of this city, and now as well as it's District Attorney. There is certainly enough crime occurring in the city, but many would say that as much of it is being perpetrated by the police department as is by any of it's citizenry, perhaps more even. What would you say to those who feel this way, and how would you address this given your apparent first hand knowledge?"
[2016/06/03 13:51:50] Luna Ann McAddams (lunawaterlily): /me Shed let nuku take all the sour patch kids she wanted giving her a smirk she would spit the gooy and sticky sour patch kid in her hand, she would move to place it on her Thump and with her middle finger she would move to try and flick the candy in Dions general area, she was trying to get the forehead.. but with a flick could have easily went anywhere at all.. for the fact that she never mastered the Flick.. so could have went anywhere. and was kinda not listening anymore because mischief.
[2016/06/03 13:53:34] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): /me pursed his lips together because he was trying not to smile. He wanted to look professional but it was hard with the candy throwing and Xelly's comments. "Yeah would not know either. Only get close to her if I have to punch her," and that was very true considering their rocky relationship.
[2016/06/03 13:53:59] Luna Ann McAddams (lunawaterlily): Thumb*)
[2016/06/03 13:54:28] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me smiles at Mika and nods, grabbing her hand and squeezing it to let her know she is right. Chuckling at Mitt she nods. It was impossible to get close to Shade unless it was in a fight.
[2016/06/03 13:56:23] Nuku McAddams (nuku.nemeth): /me tilted her head as she got the sourpatch kid all warm and covered in saliva in her mouth, she watched puna sit it into her own hand and she straightened up was it go time, yup it was go time! she did the same spitting the sourpatch into her hand but, unlike luna she flattened her hand and brought it up a bit and using her other hand she flicked it hard trying to aim for dion's forehead, but like luna she was not a pro aimer so, who knows if it would hit and yea, she was not fully listening as well
[2016/06/03 13:58:37] Shade Manx: /me nods as she hears Aria, and turns her attention back to the crowd, "yes, the DEPD has a long history of corruption, and crime, but many of those attacks have been investigated and found groundless. Like Mr. Lambert I have been attacked as being ruthless, and brutal, and while I will not stand by as good, honest citizens of this city are attacked by criminals, I will not say that my or the department's tacitics have been too harsh considering the need for things like citizen and officer safety. The people of Dead End need to feel safe and secure when they go to bed at night. And despite what my advasaries have to say this basic human right has been delivered by the DEPD and the officers involved."
[2016/06/03 14:00:11] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me starts coughing as the thick smoke of bullshit gets a bit much to breath in.
[2016/06/03 14:02:31] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): /me had to restrain an out right guffaw at what Shade said because he knew exactly what sort of harsh tactics she was talking about and all the things he had gotten away with. And he nearly said something about the picture of Dion in the paper and how that was no where near 'basic human rights'.
[2016/06/03 14:02:48] Vie Masala (violet.bearsfoot): /me stood there listening between dion and Shades answers a look of bewilderment on her face and she can not help but chuckle.. quietly.. she does look to each of them in turn the face of.. " your fucking kidding right?" but she would remain quiet because she wasnt here to start any more fights.
[2016/06/03 14:03:27] mikatsu: /me squeaks as someone's sourpatch candy hits her in the head... then drops into her top. the girl fishes for it for a few moments before pulling it out, and tosses the thing behind her without looking
[2016/06/03 14:03:35] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me looks to Shade, "Much like civil rights violations have been disprove in departments across the nation?... Ours I am sure can be listed as one of the worse... we may have a low rate of conviction for violating officers but that points more to the incompetency of our internal affairs department." Just ignoring Vie's jab at the both of them for now.
[2016/06/03 14:07:03] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): /me motions Leigh over
[2016/06/03 14:08:28] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me As he was twisted to look towards Shade He saw the first candy whip past his head teetering back from it before it plopped off the screen behind him. Moving right into the second one that pinged off the side of his head. Gritting his teeth as he looked back out to the crowd looking for who flicked that at him.
[2016/06/03 14:08:33] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): /me leans over and quietly asks "So, you into politics or are you also just finding out they're not playing Captain America this early?"
[2016/06/03 14:09:43] mikatsu: /me leans in to whisper to Xelly "I am confused... someone told me there would be boobs on display here... but no one is topless...."
[2016/06/03 14:10:07] Leighanne Thomas (leighanne86): /me laughs after taking a seat, "A little bit of both, but Ming is running, so I am here to show my support." Leigh would find a piece of paper and toss it down to Xelly, trying to hit her so she'll notice.
[2016/06/03 14:10:16] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me points at Ming and whispers "Just wait, we're not done yet."
[2016/06/03 14:10:25] Shade Manx: /me looks at Vie and then to Dion.. "Mr. Lambert, the fact that you preach about forgiveness for your own groups sins, while trying to run the Dead End Police Department over the coals.. Perhaps, I should be questioning you about items found in the basement of a burnt down porn studio, or how you managed to get out of charges that should have put you away.. If anyone has profitted from behind the scenes abuse of the department it is you and your fat stacks of cash. If there was no charges filed, then perhaps it is because there was no wrong doing? This is slander against the very people who protect you at night. "
[2016/06/03 14:11:24] Aria Sharple: /me holds up her hand just in case Dion seems to want to reply to try to remind him not to.
[2016/06/03 14:11:42] Aria Sharple: /me then turns her attention to Vie next, "Mrs. Masala, you are the only candidate present who was actually in charge of a public service that failed to perform it's duty during the so called 'purge' as it has become known as. Given this, how can you re-assure the public that you are in fact someone who will make the changes necessary to ensure that one, this never happens again, and two, even if for some reason it does, you will ensure that the citizens of this community are never again deprived of vital services."
[2016/06/03 14:12:33] Luna Ann McAddams (lunawaterlily): /me she didnt know what was being said but hollers out "yeah you tell em!" but shade could have easily said that camels were aquatic lizards or something and Luna wouldnt know it. She looked back to Dion and seen the candy has missed and hit the screen behind him, she saw Nuku had also flicked one and it hit the side of his head she leaned over and whispered "Damnit.....we need flicking lessons. reckon theres master flickers around?" she giggled. she then dug out another sour patch kid, this time not sticking it in her mouth she looked to Vie, Ming and shade.. which one? which one? her eyes lingered more towards vie longer.
[2016/06/03 14:13:00] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me recovering from the candy to the head he was about to bark something out at Shade, but held back. In part due to the reminder Aria offered him. though he would respond latter to what she said.
[2016/06/03 14:15:37] Nuku McAddams (nuku.nemeth): /me saw one candy miss and the other ping off his head and she gor a small pout to her face whispering to luna " aww dammit so close... here let me get another... or i can just toss a milk dud? " she did not know dion was looking for who flicked the candy and wispered back " i don't know, but im temped to try again" she tried to take another sour patch and pop it into her mouth to get it ready.. she was determined
[2016/06/03 14:15:38] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): /me nods. Support, always good. Ming wouldn't have been her first choice but she's seen more psychotic fangirls than Leigh so why not? If these people were the ones running for mayor or whatever this was then Gwen would definitely not regret not voting again this year. "I think she's running the majority in this room at least. I don't think anyone else really cares. Apparently the scary looking guy is a grand warlock for the KKK wing that just hates women. I wish Chris Evans was here."
[2016/06/03 14:17:59] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me feels something hit her head again and feels with her hand, getting a paper ball out of her hair. Looking backwards she makes a funny face at Nuku and Luna, before also spotting Leigh in the back and waving at her.
[2016/06/03 14:21:11] Vie Masala (violet.bearsfoot): /me listened again between Shade and Dion, her filter level starting to drop, and she may have opened her mouth to speak however luckily Aria asked a question before that happened so after thinking on said question she takes a breath looking out over the group and begins " Let me start by personally apologizing for the lack of fire department presence during the.. purge, If it had been up to me, the trucks would have been running and my team would have gone out as much as possible trying to help those who needed it. However as some of you may know the Previous city council cut funding for everything. Legally we could not touch the trucks, So sadly we were a team of sitting ducks, much like many others in town during that time We did do what we could with fire extinguisher runs and incognito medics. This is yet another reason I am running for city council.. funding should never be fully halted from any department that is used to help the citizens od Dead End."
[2016/06/03 14:22:01] mikatsu: /me sighs... "great... only male candidate I see... and he looks like some psychotic Mr T meets the Matrix and Foghorn Leghorn, with the red mowhawk... he could at least make the carpet match the drapes... his beard is black" she says, then looks to the other candidates... wondering if anyone is going to ask ming about "Big Mamma"
[2016/06/03 14:23:43] Aria Sharple: /me turns her attention now to Ming, "Ms. Yheng. You are a member of a powerful family in the city, that already has a stranglehold on approximately 80 to 90 percent of the businesses. Now, seemingly, your family, through you, is reaching increasingly for public office as well. Why should this not disturb the typical voter?"
[2016/06/03 14:23:48] Luna Ann McAddams (lunawaterlily): /me She would look to nuku and tilt her head a bit, "well.. i never said exactly what would stick.. so milk dud it up" she nodded and she would rear back and lob the sour patch kid in Vies chest area, well trying to aim there, she didnt take the time to really aim, so may or may not have missed her wanted mark. She looked down and would try and bring her hand back down fast, well maybe not fast enough, and grinned to Xelly, her eyes looking up and to the left, as her head is up and tilting around a bit as she whistles very softly.
[2016/06/03 14:25:27] Leighanne Thomas (leighanne86): /me snickers at Gwen. "Might make the debate more enjoyable to look at, possibly." She waves at Xelly and then leans in to Gwen, "Dion? I think he's just misunderstood," she chuckles. She listens to Vie's explanations and harumphs. Though, the other one up there was a big reason why Leigh wasn't able to medic nearly as much as she had planned. Leigh looks to Shade and smiles, never having had seen her with long hair before, wondering if it was a wig or her own hair. Maybe it was a wig of her own hair that she had made in advance of cutting it so that she could look like she had long hair while actually having short hair. The possibilities were endless, though, she wished she got a box of Skittles before coming in.
[2016/06/03 14:26:01] Ming Yheng: /me had dozed off and when Aria addressed her she snorestartled, opened her eyes and yelled, disoriented: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" which made it clear that she was totally into politics now. She blinked and needed a minute to concentrate again while pulling a stray hair from between her teeth. " Uhm....", she stammered while looking at Aria.."Oh ..uhm. oh kay.." But she had totally missed Aria's question and as usual she was way to proud to ask her to repeat she tried her best to give a reply as neutral as she possible could yet adressing her plans for Deadend. " Hmm, as you all probably know, I wasn't born in the US, I adore this country but there is one thing very wrong with it..and that includes all these..", she waved with her hand towards the other candidates "...candidates. Politics in the US have been turned into a sitcom, a television show revolving around money and the power of the authorities and multinationals!!. Ming Yheng is going to change this! You may call me
[2016/06/03 14:26:01] Ming Yheng: a rebel, a heathen, hell, even a commernist, but that is fine. I am not ehm....", and there came that cheating paper again.."...muna..muna...oh! a hypercrit! Politics should be turned back to politics in it's purest form, no cuntruption, no backstabbing, no! Honest politics and no hollow promises, no more lies! This is OUR city!", as Ming said this she pointed towards the crowd in front of her.. " OUR CITY!!! And WE going to change it! I listen to YOU, people!!"
[2016/06/03 14:27:35] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me chuckles hearing Mika say that and she looks at Dion through those glasses for a bit and nods. Then she shakes her head hearing Vie and whistled. More BS for sure. But then she hears the question put to Ming and she calls out loud "Cut the crap, alright?" As Ming answered she shouted loud, applauding and saying "You tell them Ming! This is OUR city!!"
[2016/06/03 14:28:20] Aria Sharple: /me wriggles her nose a little bit, but she could answer the question how she wished, even if it wasn't an answer at all! And so she nodded and turned back towards Shade, "Ms Manx, on behalf of Karel, I would ask you, ....Are you corrupt?"
[2016/06/03 14:29:08] Vie Masala (violet.bearsfoot): /me blinked as something gooey hit her chest.. and fell into her.. shirt, she shot a look to the direction it had come from but wasnt actually certain who threw it. and as Ming went on she sighed leaning over a bit towards ming and in the plainest voice ever " You may listen but you do not understand the words that come out peoples mouths but good try."
[2016/06/03 14:29:09] mikatsu: /me cheers Ming, and quickly flashes her boobs at her because... why not... someone had to show some skin... the girl cheers "gooooo Ming!"
[2016/06/03 14:29:56] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): /me snorts. "Misunderstood? All four of them look like they've been in more than one knife fight. That one though looks like he lost. I bet whoever wins whatever this is is going to have to at least win three more knife fights to make the whole thing official. That one, the redhead? She looks misunderstood. She needs a hug, or like a uh.. firm handshake, you know? Her and Chris Evans"
[2016/06/03 14:31:51] Shade Manx: /me looks at Ming and sighs.. "what in the heck does that have to do with your family taking over everything in Dead End.. Your bimbo daughter blowing up everything.. Oh right.. " she tappers off as she is asked a question... "I am not corrupt, everything I have done in this city has been for the good of the people. I have scars across my body because of the work I have done to make this city a safer, better, and more wholesome place.. A place where people can hold their heads high and say I am proud to live in Dead End Michigan, A place where families can be raised, go to school, and get the education they deserve without daughters being forced to turn tricks, and to keep the sons of this city from finding comfort in the endless pain that used to be commonplace in this city in a needle. "
[2016/06/03 14:32:31] Luna Ann McAddams (lunawaterlily): /me She would open the lid to her pop and hmmed.. she grabbed a piece of ice and listened to Ming go on and on really.. she would hold the piece of ice over the floor, letting the pop and wet drip into the floor, before looking to Ming once again. Raising the piece of ice she moved to throw it in Mings chest area as well, but could have missed since shes not exactly trying.
[2016/06/03 14:33:10] Aria Sharple: /me pauses for the moment, allowing Ming her chance to respond if she wants to.
[2016/06/03 14:33:45] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me shouts out loud "Fuck school!" Because she had never finished school.
[2016/06/03 14:34:42] mikatsu: they have a school for that? if so... I need to apply, Xellysan...
[2016/06/03 14:35:33] Leighanne Thomas (leighanne86): /me claps when Ming answers, trying to show support, however, as she sees something fly across the room and hit Vie, she covers her mouth. "This is kinda like school. Do I have to wait until everyone is finished?" Leigh sits back and turns to Gwen, "I think they all need firm handshakes, possibly a whap upside the head, just to see if they'd notice." When Xelly shouts "Fuck school!' she starts to raise her hand, but then puts it down quickly, realizing that she is a doctor and has gone through seven years of post-secondary school.
[2016/06/03 14:36:15] Ming Yheng: /me was distracted by mika for a momentbut she managed to keep her wits, and hearing Vie telling her that she doesn't understand English she slowly turned her head towards the woman and smiled lovingly. " Your comment says more about you than it does about me, Ma' am.." Nasty stab from Ming this is, feeling all Yoda now, besides feeling as a seasoned politician which she definitely isn't. Then she looks past Shade and says: "And more insults from another candidate..", she looked at the crowd again and yelled " See? This is all they know! Insults and slander, Ming does NOT do that, VOTE FOR MING AND OUR CITY!!"
[2016/06/03 14:36:36] Ming Yheng: *to Shade
[2016/06/03 14:37:34] Aria Sharple: /me lets Ming have her response and then tosses out the next question from Karel, "Again, on behalf of Karel, this is addressed to Ming, give me a word to describe Dead End City, and then tell me why you chose that word?"
[2016/06/03 14:38:27] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): /me scoots a little closer to Leigh and leans in for that extra intimacy. If this is like school then Gwen was getting the most out of detention because there's no way this was an actual class. Unless the class was about voting for Ming because she sure heard that yelled out over the otherwise monotonous drone of politics. "So how you've been?". Bam! Casual conversation, check.
[2016/06/03 14:39:08] Shade Manx: /me stares at Ming as she almost says something about still not answering the actual question and then she hears the next question and covers her mouth.. Somehow she finds the question towards ming almost giggle worthy
[2016/06/03 14:39:16] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): /me seen that the crowd was getting a bit out of hand and worried that eventually it would end up in a riot, so Mitt unbuttoned his jacket so he could get at his hand taser he had tucked in an inside jacket pocket. This might get fun after all. Then hearing Ming shout out about not insulting people, Mitt throws up at Ming, "You didn't have that issue when you gave that interview for the paper."
[2016/06/03 14:41:26] Vie Masala (violet.bearsfoot): /me only shrugged at ming, especially hearing the next question geared at her, she to covered her mouth and suppressed the giggle.
[2016/06/03 14:42:36] Ming Yheng: /me stares stupidly at Aria and opens her mouth to reply " Are you really asking me for a definition of the I thought this was a ser..." but suddenly an icecube decided to fly into her nouth and her throat. Her face turned res, her eyes grew wide and she quickly turned, slamming herself against the wood she was stnading next to...a cough and the now half molten icecube launched ..out of her the direction of Vie's hair. Ming coughed again and stared with glassy eyes to Aria " Uhm...what was the...question?" And as she looked towards Mitt she totally forgot her own promise and yelled at him: ' Shut it, cocksucka!!"
[2016/06/03 14:42:37] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me just shoo his head slowly bitting his lip before looking for more of his pot lossage cause he needs them or he will flip his shit.
[2016/06/03 14:43:04] Leighanne Thomas (leighanne86): /me luaghs, "I've been ok. Had an exciting time a week ago when I had to leave Dead End, but since I've been back, just working on stabilizing the hospital. Getting back into patients and things." SHe hears the question and is readying for a response that involves the 'c' word.
[2016/06/03 14:44:02] Aria Sharple: /me looks a little puzzled and slighlty worried she might have to get Vie to perform some sort of CPR on Ming shortly, but when she recovers and asks again for the question she repeats herself, "Give me a word to describe Dead End City, and tell me why you chose that word."
[2016/06/03 14:44:05] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me glares at Mitt with a look that said 'Seriously?' But then focused on Ming again and she was ready to cheer again. Because no matter what Ming said, they could always spin it, right? Seeing how she almost chokes, she gets up to her feet, ready to rescue her, but it wasn't needed. Then as Ming addressed Mitt, she glares at him again as if it was his fault Ming had lost her focus like that.
[2016/06/03 14:45:47] Shade Manx: /me hangs her head to hide the fact that she is giggling
[2016/06/03 14:46:01] Vie Masala (violet.bearsfoot): /me snort giggled at Ming as she started her answer... but actually grew concerned as the woman began choking moving to help her cause that whole medic instinct kicked in, however it ended up not being needed as the ice cube she was choking on ended up bouncing of the chiefs forehead, but when ming yelled at mitt she smirked and like slow clapped . " Yep ming for city council brilliant "
[2016/06/03 14:46:12] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): /me had to suppress a smile at seeing that Ming got unsettled and he slid a sideways glance at Xelan and blew her a little kiss because if he had been allowed, he would have went at the whole thing at full speed and really laid into the other three candidates.
[2016/06/03 14:47:08] mikatsu: /me looks up to Xellan and says "be careful, pirate gandalf might have one of those vibrating wands to use for defense, Xellysan"
[2016/06/03 14:47:20] Ming Yheng: /me sighed, again looking at Aria....she looked down at the cheatpaper that she had on the stand in front of her and said, sounding really like she is totally reading this..."A city is an incorporated municipality in the United States with definite boundaries and legal powers set forth in a charter granted by the state.", she nodded to herslef and looked up, very proud of herself now. " And I fucking chose that word because you asked me to!!"
[2016/06/03 14:47:47] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): /me continues the invasion for as long as Leigh is not saying no. We're in public after all, no means no here as Gwen so regularly reminds herself. With that in mind she puts her hand over Leigh's and squeezes. "Hope things didn't get too exciting. Oh wow they're really uhm.. That's the question?" she asks, just getting Ming's version of it as she hadn't been paying attention to Aria. Man those distractions are crazy! So distracting would Leigh even notices Gwen dragging her hand down on the creamy bit of thigh exposed to the world? Probably not. "So is this serious at all or are they just putting up a show?"
[2016/06/03 14:48:10] Luna Ann McAddams (lunawaterlily): /me She folds her lips more inside her as she bit down on both lips as Ming started to Choke, she would feel horrible and would have offered the Heimlich.. not hind lick.. Heimlich.. but when the icecube was launched towards Vies direction and off her forehead she would move to slide down in her chair, and looks around a bit.. a hand comes up to cover her mouth as she snickered, trying not to burst out laughing... her shenanigans would simmer down after this.
[2016/06/03 14:48:32] Aria Sharple: /me isn't really sure what to say to Ming's response, so ...she just doesn't, and instead looks to Vie next, "On behalf of Karel, What plans do you have to curb gang activity in Dead End City?"
[2016/06/03 14:49:55] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me keeps looking at Mitt and with a smile on her face she applauds Ming's answer and calls out loud "VOTE FOR MING AND FOR OUR CITY." She then woots and sits down again, not adding more to that, at least not now.
[2016/06/03 14:50:38] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me looks up towards Mitt shaking his head trying to hold out his hand open palmed towards him, hoping to get across now is not the time, let them look the fools. Taking a deep breath shaking his head just a little surprised that this is going tits up. He figured it would but, had thought there would of been a couple more rounds of questions. and is fairly sure that it was either Nuku or Luna that had beaned him in the head by this point.
[2016/06/03 14:52:52] Leighanne Thomas (leighanne86): /me feels Gwen take her hand but doesn't realize what she's doing as she listens to the candidates' answers, taking a sip of water from her water bottle with her other hand. However, when she feels her hand hit skin, she blushes and is a little scared to pull away too quickly, so she sits, wide-eyed and slightly curious.
[2016/06/03 14:52:58] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): /me had the worse urge to put a whoopi cushion in Xelly's seat cause he was feeling a little out there today plus he didn't have one but thought it might be fun to get them in shop for the new section they were adding, and other things popped into his head but seeing that Dion motioned for him to keep it quiet, Mitt relaxed back into his chair and resisted the urge to say more about the other candidates. Mitt had a lot of dirt on them because of his time at the DEPD.
[2016/06/03 14:53:05] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): worst*
[2016/06/03 14:53:39] Vie Masala (violet.bearsfoot): /me heard aria address her and thought on the question for a quick minute before she replied, her gaze moving from the reporter to Ming then dion then the group in general. this was obviously not a question she was prepared for.. but shed try at least. " Well to be honest. I would like to work with the police department more along with the actual towns people to look into different programs that could possibly be utilized to discourage gang activity. " yep totally talking out her ass right now, " oh and maybe getting eleceted so that other gang leaders arent put into the position of letting gangs run wild.. yeah that."
[2016/06/03 14:55:52] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): /me is just focused on the debate now. Gee golly whiz what a grand old time were these people having. Gang activity you say? Let's really clean up those streets! Let's hear it! In her excitement over whatever plan that will totally do something she lets go of Leigh's hand and reaches for something she accidentally misses, and just like that she too hits skin. Leigh's of course. Her stomach is just out there like that really it's noone's fault but her own. "Sorry" Gwen mumbles as she idly traces the edge of Leigh's pants.
[2016/06/03 14:56:09] Aria Sharple: /me nods to Vie and then turns to Dion, "Mr. Lambert, if the purge were to happen again, what would you do as an elected member of the city council?"
[2016/06/03 14:56:23] Ming Yheng: /me literally facedesked after hearing Vie's words and while she was resting with her forehead on the wood she mumbled, loud enough for everyone to hear: " Oh please shut up, you lazy, whoring, sad example of a drug addicted turtlefucking streetwhore.."
[2016/06/03 14:56:53] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me started to laugh out loud and shouts "As if the Fuck Department is not a gang!" She stuck her tongue out at Vie, trying to get her annoyed. As an annoyed Vie was way more fun than the stuck up bitch she was portraying right now.
[2016/06/03 14:58:19] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me pushing the lozenges in his mouth back into his cheek so they don't pop out as he spoke. "I would hope that the policies myself and the rest of the new council implement would prevent something like that from happing ever again...
[2016/06/03 15:00:24] Leighanne Thomas (leighanne86): /me feels Gwen's hand on her stomach and shifts in her seat, not wanting to cause attention to herself, but damn, her fingers felt cold on her skin. She sits as the fingers left her stomach, but she feels something crawling up the side of her pants.
[2016/06/03 15:00:58] Vie Masala (violet.bearsfoot): /me just leans towards ming again and rolls her eyes "you should listen to your own words honey. Im not the one name calling how well does that speak of you" she would then look to Xelan and stick her tongue right back out at her, she was totally annoyed right now but meh filter level was still kind of up there " Yes we are.. the one that pops in and saves all the lives when yalls gangs decided havoc and brutality need to be a thing."
[2016/06/03 15:02:54] Ming Yheng: /me sighed and lifted her head from that thing she doesn't know the name of in English and stared at Vie. " Why should I listen to your words, woman, you are a real poloitician, you talk for hours but you don't say anything, at least people understand ME!"
[2016/06/03 15:03:40] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): /me smiles at the candidates. They're doing such a good job she can't help but admire them and their brave words. Truly, people giving it all for the city. Or whatever. Gwen isn't listening. Gwen shifts in her chair and moves from Leigh's pants straight to her shirt, the bits covered by her jacket that is, Yep, there you go, the first grope that's clearly in no way an accident at all and it's a doozy. Her whole hand just palming Leigh's right breast. Just like that.
[2016/06/03 15:03:58] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me pushing the lozenges in his mouth back into his cheek so they don't pop out as he spoke. "I would hope that the policies myself and the rest of the new council implement would prevent something like that from happing ever again... the rampent damages to city property... the wide spread looting and arson of privet property... and mostly the injuries and loss of life that happened during that event... I am sure... only worked to place us further into the hole of funding.... But if such a thing where to happen again... and I pray will not... the only thing we can do... is to come together as citizens and protect the city the best we can... even if it is a small section of it..." Looking at Vie Ming and Xel, "And not this decisive bull... we all live here... and I'm sure most of us love this town .... there are four seats open.... and you are all acting like there is only one and your ass will only fit in half of it..."
[2016/06/03 15:05:21] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me looks at Ming, "No we don't understand you... you spew nothing but marble mouth gobaldy gook half the time and the other half is raw profanities... I doubt your even legal to run in this race..."
[2016/06/03 15:06:41] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me shakes her head at Vie and was going to reply but then listens to Dion and tilts her head. To her own surprise she starts applauding. He made sense to her, for the first time in like ever. But as soon as he addressed Ming like that, she stopped applauding and muttered "When was the last time you ate babies." The door had been opened but slammed right shut again.
[2016/06/03 15:07:11] Aria Sharple: /me nods and turns from Dion, addressing everyone generally, "Okay, that is all of the questions that the panel had. For the second portion of the debate, I will ask each of you if you have a single question, for a single other candidate. At which time you may ask that question in whatever manner you wish to, and hear their response. Please let their response stand and do not reply in turn unless they speak directly against you in some form."
[2016/06/03 15:07:48] Aria Sharple: /me then looks to Ming, "Ms. Yheng, do you have a question for anyone on the panel? If so, please ask it to that individual now."
[2016/06/03 15:10:20] Leighanne Thomas (leighanne86): /me feels the grab to her breast and would move her hand to grab her wrist, not moving it, yet. She is likely the color of the seat she is sitting in and turns to Gwen, whispering, "You know, there is a business opportunity that we might discuss when this is over that I think you might enjoy. It involves lots of intimate touching and well, you likely will have a wonderful time doing it in your off hours." Leigh would smirk and release her wrist, letting her decide if Gwen stopped or continued, deciding to spin this into a bit of a positive.
[2016/06/03 15:10:57] Ming Yheng: /me blinked, staring at Dion and snarls " Excuse me? You are the worst that could happen to this city, you are not a politician, you are a dictator.., I saw that hand you raised to your minion over there!", she pointed towards Mitt and continued " ..and just like any obedient Thrall he instantly shut up, what does that say about you, huh? You don't care about any of us, you are just a fucking power hungry dictator!" Ming looked at Aria and bowed her head politely. " Yes, I have, Ma' am....I have a question for Vile here next to me..uhm, sorry, I meant Vie..okay. Miss Massera, do you know what this means...? ", she turned to face Vie and blew her cheeks like two giant blimps, pushed the tip of her tongue out of her mouth and blew an extremely loud raspberry to her "PFFRFRRRRRRRT!"
[2016/06/03 15:12:51] Aria Sharple: /me wriggled her nose a little bit, but let Vie respond to the...question.
[2016/06/03 15:15:28] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): /me doesn't quite freeze when she's grabbed, though she probably should. This is really much too comfortable and that might become a problem later. Not now though apparently. Gwen kneads Leigh under her jacket while she makes up her mind about this whole business after hours special she's talking about. Gwen could for the life of her not figure out what that's supposed to be. "I could at least listen what you have to say, doctor" she replies with a meekness that doesn't at all fit the way she's pawing up her boss. Especially not since Leigh is giving her free roam and Gwen tries to abuse it by getting into her top and if she's wearing one her bra as well. Skin to skin. Hand to boob.
[2016/06/03 15:15:59] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me shakes his head, "Was that a question for me or you just wanting to be a child Ming?"
[2016/06/03 15:18:01] Vie Masala (violet.bearsfoot): /me had zero questions for any of the other candidates and she didnt care to answer them from anyone frankly she was done with this. her mood before hand shitty, and it had deteriorated throughout the event, so she looked at each candidate individually glaring at ming and her raspberry before turning to the group in front of her. " You know what. fuck it. Im just gonna be me If you want to vote for dion vote for him. I fully believe that is the worst choice anyone could make for this town. just umm look at the public records business man, sure, creating a baby army somewhere.. probably... but whateves. If you want to vote for Ming. good fucking luck. gibberish speaking heathen that I am pretty certain thinks shes a pimp.. even though im guessing she doesnt even know what that means whose only argument here is blowing razberries and name calling.. fine fuck it vote ming.. then there is shade. and I am sure you all have your own opinions on that. then there are the ones that did not even bother
[2016/06/03 15:18:01] Vie Masala (violet.bearsfoot): to show up, because they love the city so much. or you can vote for me. someone that actually gives a fuck about you people and is out there.. with you in town Every god damned day. do what ya want vote for who you think would do the best job to help Dead End become a half way decent place to call home." with that she would step back away from the podium and turn pretty much ready to storm out.
[2016/06/03 15:19:33] Ming Yheng: /me just couldn't resist extending her right leg in an attempt to make Vie trip over it while turning.
[2016/06/03 15:20:05] Shade Manx: /me seems to wake up from her stage fright as she looks from person to person.. Vie storming out.. Shade just really wants a smoke at this point, but she waits for someone to say something
[2016/06/03 15:20:46] Nuku McAddams (nuku.nemeth): /me was still sucking on the sour patch, it was pretty moist and a bit gooey now, maybe this one would stick? she must of spaced out cause she had no idea what was going on right now, she must have spaced out, she needed to get rid of this now icky tasteing sour patch so, she took it out of her mouth looking for a target and, well being that she did not want to mess with shade or vie and ming already got icecubed, she lobbed it aiming right for dion's forehead, who knew if it would hit, she quickly putt her heands on her lap after it left her hand trying to act as if she had done nothing, but there was her visable trying to keep back her giggles
[2016/06/03 15:20:46] Aria Sharple: /me sighs a little as Vie storms off, but she didn't sign a contract or anything to stay for the whole thing so she looks to Shade next, "Ms. Manx, do you have a question you would like to ask of one of the remaining candidates on stage? If so please ask it now."
[2016/06/03 15:20:54] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): /me crossed his legs at Ming's accusations and didn't look at all bothered by it. Mitt loved to stir up other peoples insecurities and get them riled up so they lost it. Mitt very seldom lost his cool. It was too amusing to watch others do it. So he gave Ming a neutral, almost pleasant look when she shouted out at him. Giving an elegant shrug, he says calm and polite like, "He was simply cautioning me to be polite to everyone else. He knows I have strong opinions about the other candidates and he simply wanted to make sure I was a gentlemen, much like Mr. Lambert is." It was said so smooth and cordial, in a deep sonorous voice.
[2016/06/03 15:21:33] Leighanne Thomas (leighanne86): /me looks at Gwen as she tries to get inside her top, "Well," Leigh exhales as the skin is touched, "Care to be an escort for my friend's Wild Dragon Escorts? I'm sure it will result in lots the public." Leigh pulls her jacket over her top as Gwen is exploring. Maybe Princess had it right with her.....hazing....of the interns.
[2016/06/03 15:22:48] Luna Ann McAddams (lunawaterlily): /me she was still slid down in her seat and actually eating her candy and drinking her pop like the good citizen she really is.
[2016/06/03 15:23:38] Shade Manx: /me looks around as voices start to raise and tempers flair, she arches both of her eyebrows in the classic look of feigned innocence.. Because, yeah so far so good.. "I think the fact that the other candidates can't remain civil speaks for itself. There are four seats open, how are any of these people going to be able to work together to fill these seats.. I am battle tested, and obviously the sane choice to fill one of those chairs." Yup, spin baby spin
[2016/06/03 15:24:38] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me kept quiet for a moment, listening to what could only be the end of this endless debate. Shaking her head at most things said. And wishing it was over so she could get a stiff drink and a smoke.
[2016/06/03 15:25:42] Aria Sharple: /me wasn't sure that was a question either for anyone, but she turned and looked to Dion next, "Mr. Lambert, did you have an actual question you would like to ask of any of the remaining candidates?" she asks, putting a little emphasis on the word 'question'.
[2016/06/03 15:26:24] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): /me giggles in honest amusement and answers an instant "Nah.". This isn't even one of those things Gwen is willing to consider no matter how much of Leigh she gets to hold. E, she decides. At least E. Leigh has some real chest on her but Gwen is happy to find all of it or enjoy herself trying. "I'm kind of enjoying where I am, especially with my job and all, so I'm really not looking to expand into eh.. 'escorting' anyone. It's just not my thing."
[2016/06/03 15:29:55] Leighanne Thomas (leighanne86): /me shrugs, having tried her best, for now. "Well, is this how you make conversation with others in the theater? IF so, I'm sure it is a pretty shallow conversation." Leigh feels a hand go under her bra and she leans over, "We may have to discuss the fraternization policy between coworkers and those in positions of power." She leans back and watches chaos descend on stage.
[2016/06/03 15:30:50] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me the candy thrown by Nuku pinging off his head he stifles a growl, "I can't believe I'm saying this... but shade is Right... Several of canedets up here have added nothing to this discussion other then inciting candy throwing and tit flashing, and wild whooping from the audience... this is obscene... and most of it tonight has been from Ming and her cabal of gangsters out there, and yes I saw my friend was on the edge of possibly adding to the incivility of the moment so I quietly asked him to keep it down... cause unlike some people up here I'm taking these seriously... this city needs new leadership, not just because the last batch was a pack of crooks that ripped us all off but because with out those seats filled its only going to get worse and if you can't take a debate serious how are you going to lead the city... the only question I have is for Ming... Are you realy running for office or just playing at it like a spoiled child that you apear to be?"
[2016/06/03 15:32:01] Shade Manx: /me listens to Dion and hangs her head in another smirk.. biting her bottom lip as she does it..
[2016/06/03 15:32:20] Vie Masala (violet.bearsfoot): /me was in fact tripped by ming, so stumbles happened though once she caught her balance she shot the woman a look and did in fact make her way out of the theater.
[2016/06/03 15:32:22] Aria Sharple: /me turns towards Ming and waits to hear whatever it is she is going to say in response.
[2016/06/03 15:32:25] Merabella McAddams (merabella.melody): /me she snuck into the theater and sat behind Mitt. taking a deep breath she started to listen to what was being said and looked at the candidates
[2016/06/03 15:33:58] Ming Yheng: /me was going for a reply to Dion's question but as soon as Mitt spoke she stared at him with a dumbfounded expression on her face...."Gentleman....?"...she kept that silly look on her face and suddenly cracked up, tears streaming down her face. " A..A..F...fuc....GENTLEMAN!!" she wailed, now really crying from laughter and couldn't keep her own balance anymore. She leaned against the wood and extended her arm towards Vie to help her up, the two seemed to have a strange love/hate friendship going on. As she looked to Dion she smiled sweetly at him and nodded, trying to make his question seem ridiculous " No, Master, this one just wanted to show the American way of dealing with things, which I am going to change, if this one is wrong, this one is apologizing, Master"
[2016/06/03 15:34:46] Anjel (anjel.masala): /me trned seeing his wife leave.. and without aword he moved and followed her out.
[2016/06/03 15:35:51] Shade Manx: /me snorts into her mic as she tries to keep from laughing at Ming's sarcasm.. or at least what she thinks is sarcasm... She's trying to hold it in by biting her bottom lip even harder.
[2016/06/03 15:36:14] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me chuckles shaking his head, "And more mockery is all she can respond with.... your a bad punch line up here and nothing more Ming... again... are you even legal to run in this race?"
[2016/06/03 15:36:20] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): /me let his singular ice blue eye look up at Mera as she entered, giving her a little smile as she entered, then he turned to look at the candidates again, listening to what Ming might blurt out. It was actually rather entertaining and hoped there would be another one. They could sell tickets. Mitt watched with humor at Ming's lack of control and kept himself from grinning that wolf's grin that said 'got ya','. Instead he remained placid and calm, his body relaxed and his body language confident.
[2016/06/03 15:37:08] Aria Sharple: /me looks less and less puzzled at Ming's responses as the event moves towards it's final stages, almost getting used to the fact that she doesn't understand a word she is saying evne though she is pretty sure most of it is in fact English. Standing finally, she turns to the audience, "And now... With the panel questions exhausted, and the candidates looking increasingly so, I would like to ask the audience, if any of you have any questions, please raise your hand and I will pick you in turn to come down and ask it of one specific candidate."
[2016/06/03 15:37:54] Ming Yheng: /me wasn't losing her calm at all, she appeared to be totally relaxed and replied again: " I think of all people you should know that our papers are checked before even being able to run in this race, sir, so think before you ask something, please?"
[2016/06/03 15:38:10] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): /me shrugs. The real treat was in making Leigh squirm and she got that far. The rest of it, unexpected as it was, is quickly losing her interest. "Yea maybe, I guess you're right. You're not supposed to talk in theatres anyway..". Gwen silently curses herself for not just taking Leigh's pants off or something but what's done is done, and with a final squeeze she retreats from Leigh's shirt. It's a good thing bitches be trippin' cause now it's the perfect crime with no witnesses. "Thanks for warming my hands. Write me up if you want. I don't really need the lecture."
[2016/06/03 15:38:54] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me shook her head at Aria. Asking questions was absolutely pointless and she was done with this. It had been a waste of time. And it was obvious that none of these people were going to be council members. Because none of them was wealthy enough anyways.
[2016/06/03 15:41:01] Leighanne Thomas (leighanne86): /me smirks, "Well, we will discuss this when we are on the same shift again, Ms. Gwen." Leigh was still thinking of a way to get what she wanted out of this. "We might have a further discussion on this again." Leigh was allowing the wheels to turn in her head as she made plans for the handsy nurse.
[2016/06/03 15:41:26] Luna Ann McAddams (lunawaterlily): /me She shook her head not having a question really come to mind, well other than being a smart ass but is totally deciding against that at this point in time. so she shushes and finished off the box of sour patch kids and watched.
[2016/06/03 15:42:58] Nuku McAddams (nuku.nemeth): /me watched the candy ping off dions head and she gave a pout, guess she owed luna fifty bucks she saw mera come in and she shifted a bit, wanting to say hello but, well she couldent, she sat in her head putting away her milkduds not haveing any questions to ask really, she really did not get politics
[2016/06/03 15:42:58] Aria Sharple: /me waited for what she guessed was a long enough time to see if anyone in the audience had any questions, but assuming they were either all sleeping or busy fondling each other or just had all their questions answered already, she turned and smiled towards the candidates again, "Thank you candidates for giving your time. I would like to start with Ms. Manx, and ask you for a quick closing statement."
[2016/06/03 15:42:59] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): /me could see that things were pretty much over with so he kept his hand down so that there weren't anymore outbursts. Besides, the damage had been done already and he thought that would be enough to get things rolling down hill. Ming did a number on Vie already, so no need to go at the Captain, and Shade, well Shade was going to be dealt with in a little bit.
[2016/06/03 15:43:44] Merabella McAddams (merabella.melody): /me she smiled back at Mitt and tilted her head as she listened to ming and bit her lip to keep from laughing. she sat there and picked her nails a bit
[2016/06/03 15:46:29] Shade Manx: /me clears her throat. "While I may not be the most popular person in this room, my record is something that trancends popularity, instead it shows that I have been here for the people. By the people and no matter what I stick to it and work for this city. I can keep a civil tongue when dealing the the feds who have since the purge taken over the governments of this city. I can stop the freezes that have crippled our law enforcement, our fire, and our hospitals. And no one can do it better than me.. "
[2016/06/03 15:46:40] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): /me explores the wonders of the ceiling, just a single eyeroll short of really acting like a bored teenager. She's not all the way 30 yet and she's pretty sure Leigh is younger than her despite her impressive resume and bigger tits. "Or we could just go see the new Avengers and get it over with.." she offers instead. "I like Chris Evans. He's got a real good.. everything. Yea.. If you ever get the chance to hire him I'll do whatever you want with a yes ma'am"
[2016/06/03 15:47:12] Aria Sharple: /me nods and looks to Dion next, "Mr. Lambert, your closing statements please?"
[2016/06/03 15:49:29] Leighanne Thomas (leighanne86): /me snorts at Gwen. "We will continue this discussion later, and yeah, I'd love a Chris Evans orderly around. Think of the fun we could have?"
[2016/06/03 15:51:32] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): "I'd be doing double shifts and never get any work done" she agrees. "Did you see the first one he was in? After he gets out of that stud machine? When the lady touches him and creams herself on the spot that wasn't even scripted. She'd just never seen him before and couldn't help herself. True story. I don't blame her. I wish I -was- her. God..". Yea Gwen is totally not falling for this talk to you later thing.
[2016/06/03 15:52:19] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me wets his lips, "this is just the first debat, one where we bearly touched on actual pollicies... unfortionetly most of this night was filled with personal attacks... there was some us offering a chance for you to get to know us... the one good thing that came from this night... that and you having a chance to see the type of people that are running here. and I look forward to offering myself out there more so you can get to know me more, not just the image that others have tried to project about me to you...." Looking at the Shade and Ming, with a glance to the door where Vie had left. "and I hope that my opponents displays have made it clear the sort of representative or your Will they would make... and you have seen the same failings that I too have seen.."
[2016/06/03 15:52:52] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me puts her hands against her mouth and shouts "Ming against racism!!" Because she had totally been put away with racist motives. Not caring one bit that Ming herself was quite racist too in many ways.
[2016/06/03 15:53:49] Luna Ann McAddams (lunawaterlily): /me would totally take the fifty bucks!! but really she wasnt going to go over and hold Nuku hostage if she didnt give it to her or anything. She would notice Mera but she seemed to be listening intently so she would start to stand up as statements were ending, she stretched and leaned over to Nuku and whisper "im going to head on out of here." she would give her a one armed hug if allowed as her other hand held her candy boxes and cup of ice since she drank all the pop. but would start up the side of the theater and around so she wasnt bothering anyones light of the debate, and head on out if unless stopped and things.
[2016/06/03 15:54:12] Aria Sharple: /me nods, and turns to Ming, "Ms. Yheng, your closing remarks?" she asks briefly.
[2016/06/03 15:54:44] Ming Yheng: /me , as usual struggling with her English, misunderstood the concept of a 'closing statement' and wondered why Shade and Dion were still going on with their political chatter...she looked at the crowd, smiled brightly and said, as -her- closing statement: "Byeee!" and turned on her heels to walk out of here in a total Hillary Chinkton style.
[2016/06/03 15:55:55] Nuku McAddams (nuku.nemeth): /me blinks as they where giveing closeing statement, she could not help herself, she brought her hand to her mouth trying to throw her voice "geists for counsel 2016!" quickly before trying to look as if she said nothing, nodding to luna and returning the one armed hug wispering " see you at home" she thought she should get out of here as well
[2016/06/03 15:56:39] Shade Manx: /me just groans and hangs her head as she does it..
[2016/06/03 15:57:15] Aria Sharple: /me was no longer even puzzled by Ming, just accepting her actions and reactions as they came. Turning to the two remaining candidates after briefly watching her begin to depart, "Thank you for attending this form candidates, and good luck in your campaign! This concludes the debate."
[2016/06/03 15:57:41] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me open palm points at Ming as if to say see what I mean.
[2016/06/03 15:58:01] Ming Yheng: /me stepped into the elevator but just before the doors closed she yelled, from the top of her lungs, having heard her daughter ' MING FOR RACISM!"
[2016/06/03 15:58:01] Leighanne Thomas (leighanne86): /me moves to stand up, putting herself back together, checking the time and needing to get her materials from the hospital for her next appointment. SHe would wave to Xelly as she exited and bowed her head to Ming, if she saw it, as she exited.
[2016/06/03 15:58:31] Xelan Yheng-Morgath (xelan.morgath): /me gets up, muttering "Well that's a couple of hours of my life I will never get back." And she also quickly starts to walk out, waving at Leigh while grabbing her phone to switch it back on and check messages.
[2016/06/03 15:58:35] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): /me seen Luna taking off, as well as Nuku and gave each of them a nod of his head as they left. He had seen bits of candy flying up at the podium and he wondered if it was those two since there had been some bad business going on between the two groups, but he wasn't going to say anything unless Dion said so. When Ming just told everyone good-bye and had to hold back a laugh, because okay, that was funny.
[2016/06/03 15:59:05] Mitt Tyrus-Vernichtung (mitternachtvernichtung): he had to*
[2016/06/03 16:00:22] Merabella McAddams (merabella.melody): /me she watched as Nuku and Luna left and offered them a wave. she chuckled and shook her head as Ming took off and sat there as she checked her phone and decided what she was going to do.
[2016/06/03 16:00:29] Dion Lambert (bedlamb.dionysus): /me smiles and nods to Aria and would go to step out from behind his podium even offering his hand to shake Shade's a shit eating grin on his face. If he could he would whisper something to Shade.
[2016/06/03 16:00:40] Nuku McAddams (nuku.nemeth): /me looks around as she was still sitting, she figured it was over and got up herself up giveing a strech and started for the exit smileing as mitt nodded to her giveing him a wave and a wave to mera as well
[2016/06/03 16:01:07] Luna Ann McAddams (lunawaterlily): /me She nodded to nuku and smiled as she made her way out, giving Mitt a nod of her head as well and a smile, and a wave to mera she would sneaky snake right on out of there.
[2016/06/03 16:01:49] Aria Sharple: /me lets the candidates shake each other's hands and such smiling and nodding in return to Dion, and then directing the hired help to start packign up the furnishings so that the theater coudl return to it's normal business!
[2016/06/03 16:02:31] Mk6 (mkvi.foehammer): /me checks her phone so she doesn't have to run into Leigh in the hallway or anything, unless she'd be waiting for her of course, but that seemed unlikely. She just earned herself a stern talking or a stern fucking she figures, and since both of those were supposed to start with how Gwen should not be the aggressor she wasn't looking forward to either all that much. Still though, at one point she's going to have to get up and go, so she does. "Go redhead!". That was for Shade but there's.. a lot of redheads around.
[2016/06/03 16:02:43] Ming Yheng: /me stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the food truck, all that talk made her thirsty and she yearned for a Cherry Coke right now.

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