[CULT] Mind9Light

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NOTE: No faction or cult will be approved until after May 21. They will still have to go through a trail period before they can wear tags or create a group. All groups must adhere to the guide lines on the website. http://guides.deadend.sl/factions/

DATE: 05/12/12

PROPOSAL BY: 235prime Resident

GROUP NAME: Mind9Light


MEMBERS: 235prime, billgames, Mockingcrow, Jarek Tomsen

TYPE: cult!

BACKSTORY: Group Name: Mind9Light, a.k.a. The Heller Institute, The Human Evolution Project RP Mission Statement Here is my proposal for a DE cult called Mind9Light. Some DE regulars (specifically the Red Herring group) are already familiar with this name through oblique references in the storyline in the storyline they have been involved in. While thinking up this cult, my first and foremost question was: what's in this for the other players? I have tried to design the cult around this question, thinking of others' enjoyment as well as my own. This is what I've come up with: First, Mind9Light faction is designed to target EVERYONE in the DE: men and women of all backgrounds, types, and inclinations. Veterans and newbies alike. Mind9Light isn't picky. Second, Mind9Light offers layers of role play to cover a range of interests: erotic, S&M, plot, action. Everyone is a lucky winner! So to speak. Anyway, these are my intentions, but as the saying goes, Man makes plans and God laughs. The cult mechanic offers two distinct positions for players: as victims or as members, each consisting of varying degrees of activity. Of course players can play as both if they use alts. What is this cult? Mind9Light, a subsidiary of the Heller Institute, founded by Laurant Heller. Mind9Light is but a small player in a worldwide cult conspiracy supported by several countries, political think tanks, prison and educational systems around the globe, mega-corporations, the pharmaceutical industry, the media, the bio-tech industry, the entertainment industry, the war economy, the military industrial complex, Hollywood, various criminal syndicates, Madison Avenue, Hello Kitty, all manufacturers of canned cocktail wieners, and the most nefarious company of them all, LindenLabs. About the organization: Mind9Light follows in the footsteps of non-religious cults and self-help groups like Scientology and Landmark Forum. It lures the desperate, lonely, downtrodden or just plain curious with promises of a better life and 'true fulfillment' by revealing to them certain esoteric principles guaranteed to radically change their worldview. The newly recruited occupy the lowest rank of the organization's hierarchy as footsoldiers. The footsoldiers hang around public spaces, passing out brochures to pedestrians and chat with them about the organization and its mysterious '9 Elements.' What it really is: Mind control and enslavement. Well, duh! But there is more to it than that. Only a few know the true secret behind Mind9Light (a great deal more now since players tortured some members for answers). The clues exist in bits and pieces spread out here and there, but no one person will have the whole story. Perhaps some investigative mind may be able to put it all together. Furthermore, what flies Mind9Light can't get with sugar, it up and swats. Mind9Light centers spring up in decayed and impoverished urban and rural areas and snatch up whoever it believes no one will miss. These are usually the poor, destitute and disenfranchised, junkies, prostitutes, and runaways. The victims are taken to the Mind9Light House and run through a 're-acculturation' process that involves, among other things not yet fleshed out, mental and physical torture, isolation, and of course tried and true brainwashing techniques (none of which will actually take effect unless the player plays along). The leaders of the organization also understand that these techniques only go so far on adults, in which case they opt for the next best thing: forced procreation. They force their victims to have sex for the purpose of breeding pristine young minds open to conditioning. The parents are either killed or dumped off somewhere, never to reunite with their children. RP FOR MEMBERS AND VICTIMS How the Cult works mechanically: There are three main operations to the Mind9Light cult 're-acculturation' role play. Mind9Light operates from the Mind9Light House in Dead Fall. Members go out into the city, 'recruit' a victim, and then take them back to the House where that person will either become a Mind9Light member or a breeder of Mind9Light members (or rescued, whichever). Their 're-acculturation' will involve a twisting on the notions of slavery, pain and death (sound fun, eh?) During these stages of training, the victim will take part in various activities that will (hopefully) break them down mentally. SLAVERY IS FREEDOM: THE SLAVE AUCTIONS Mind9Light preaches that human beings make choices under the false belief they have free will. The 'myth' of free will often leads us to choices that only prolongs our needless suffering. So why make choices when there exists others far wiser to make them for you? The Mind9Light slave auctions are but one manifestation of this principle. Victims will be auctioned to Mind9Light members (once we have enough of them) with enough 'credits' or 'points' to participate. The winner of the auction gets to do as he pleases (WITH OOC PERM OF COURSE!) with his slave for a limited time, after which the trainee returns back to the trainers to continue 're-acculturation'. PAIN IS PLEASURE: TORTURE Victims will also endure torture by the hands of instructors, trainers, and mentors under the charge that all suffering is illusory. Victims are encouraged to rethink their pain and that in only serving Mind9Light will they ever sense it as pleasure. This is the S&M portion of the rp and services those players who wish to experience more of that in their rp. DEATH IS LIFE: DEADSKI! Only for the extreme rp'ers! Usually reserved for the killable alts, though all members are taught that Death, being inevitable, is the only reward for living, and brings forth in the interim an intense, if brief, hyperawareness of life, making it 'more real' than life itself. Death is better the slower and more dramatic it is, so that the member will fully realize the ultimate bliss that lies at the cusp of these two states. Being a victim The victim will go through an unending process of rape, humiliation, forced breeding, and brainwashing until she or he: a). succumbs to the conditioning and becomes part of the Mind9Light family as a Footsoldier (lowest rank member)! Free t-shirt! (jk) b). escapes or is rescued c). is killed (with OOC perm) d). until the player decides to end the rp. Being a member All members (with some exceptions for instructors) must adhere to cult dress code when at the Sanctum or when executing a covert mission: cloak or cape, and a mask. It doesn't matter how cheap or wonky looking it is as long as it conceals your identity. All members must have the number '9' tattooed on the left foot. All members, with some exceptions here and there, must keep their identities hidden while in the house doing Mind9Light cult activities. The 're-acculturation' program that takes place at the House is a well-kept secret and Mind9Light needs it to stay that way. Members who breath a word about the re-acculturation' process to any non-member will be hunted down, dragged back to the House for retraining/flaying. Cult Hierarchy Hierarchs: NPCs who send down orders to the Superiors. (e.g. Laurant Heller) Superiors: Oversee the Highers; Organize missions or, in other words, plan rp events around the group. (e.g Gretchen Mueller) Highers: Recruit new members; take part in training. (e.g. Steve Bartel) The'9' assassins: These are killable alt characters who carry out deadly missions against those most hostile to the organization. IC speaking, they are the children born from adult members and victims, raised to live and die for the cult. These are NOT special snowflakes, so we highly advise players against writing elaborate back stories for these characters, or out fitting them with expensive skins and clothing. Get freebie skins or just use the noob skins and wear the cloaks and caps to conceal yourself. Don't get attached to these guys. If a compelling story flows from your character, great. See where it takes you. But always keep in mind who they are and what purpose they serve. There's a reason why they don't have real names. All of the assassins have the name '9.' Lighters: These are casual members who may or may not know about the main conspiracy. How much a players wants to be involved in cult activities will determine the type of missions she gets and whether she gets a '9' on her foot. New members must undergo some sort of initiation before becoming a Lighter. We also encourage that all members make killable alts, like 9 assassins, to take out into the street and cause mayhem on behalf of Mind9Light. The alts don't have to be expensive at all. In fact, you can use noob avatars and conceal them with capes and masks. (e.g. Judy!)

UNIQUE: This faction is creepy, depraved and intensely immoral. ICly, it's unique because of the perverse twisting of our normal attitudes toward life and death. OOCly speaking, it's mechanics are created around what is achievable and reasonably feasible for others and the sim to provide.

FLAW: It's obvious that it's creepy and has already generated enemies on DE. Most people avoid it like the plague.

POTENTIAL ENEMY: Hee hee. The proof is in the pudding. The Mind9Light story line is pretty much my proposal for the cult.

EXP:I have clear goals and can recognize the potential in other players to use them according to their abilities.

IDEAS:I would like to offer the Mind9Light house as, well, and actual virtual community center for all to come and discuss their ideas ICly and OOCly. I think I covered this in my New Horizons business proposal.

OTHER:Hee hee. The proof is in the pudding. The Mind9Light story line is pretty much my proposal for the cult.

May 12, 2012 at 10:44 pm
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May 13, 2012 at 12:49 am
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May 13, 2012 at 1:14 am
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May 17, 2012 at 10:41 pm
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