Corey Simon

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Profile photo of corey-simon



Name: Corey Simon
Age: 25
Height: 6 foot 4 inches
Build: Slim/athletic
Hair: Dyed white blonde, naturally light brown
Eyes: Slate blue
Tattoos/Scars: Long scar on right cheek, heavily tattooed

Coming fresh out of prison after a three year sentence for aggravated assault, (technically it was a four year sentence, but Corey was let out a little early for 'good behaviour',) Corey Simon decided to make a move from a small city in Nevada to the even smaller Dead End. A deviant through and through, Corey stops at nothing to get his own way and, obviously, often resorts to violence or other underhand tactics to get what he wants. Before being sent down, Corey was known in his small city for being the guy who could get anything you wanted, whenever you wanted it. Need a hired thug? Great. Want a locking blade? Easy. Looking for your next fix? Even easier.

Corey's family are nothing exceptional. They're just your normal small town family, and in every way, Corey is the black sheep. Both his parents and siblings are college educated and in high flying jobs; Corey never saw the need for education when he could lie, cheat and steal his way into getting money, sex, drugs or all of the above. There's no one thing that changed him from being the friendly young teenager he once was, or at least, there's nothing he's ever spoken about or realised himself. As his grandmother has been heard saying more than once: 'Some people are just born without a good bone in their body'.

When it comes to friendships and relationships, Corey is loyal through and through. He sticks by those who do right by him and makes sure those who cross him don't forget it in a hurry. Quick tempered and even quicker with his wit, Corey's acidic tongue and flying fists are generally his downfall. If he's on the warpath, so to speak, it's better to stay out of his way. Despite excelling in many of the criminal 'arts', Corey does struggle with romantic relationships. He's easy to take advantage of if flesh is shown and often falls victim to tricks involving the heart where both sexes are concerned.

((I'm looking forward to RPing with all of you! DE looks amazing from what I've seen so far.))

July 18, 2012 at 10:33 pm
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July 20, 2012 at 3:40 pm
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