
Home Forums Introductions Chaton

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of ChatonSombre Resident chatonsombre-resident 11 years, 7 months ago.

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Profile photo of ChatonSombre Resident



Chaton was never the pride of her parents. Always willful prone to anger and starting to drink at a young age.
When expecting their third child and seeing how Chatons behaviour had started to influence her younger sibling they decided she simply had to go.
Getting her to leave the house voluntarily was not an option having tried it before.
Eventually they arrangedan abduction selling their child to a white slave ring having her removed from the house uncouncious with pilles laced into her spirits.

Chaton found herself more or less used as a sex slave for sometime.
When she finally had the opportunity she jumped out of a moving car ran into an alley and managed to loose her "owners"
However during her absence her parents had sold the house and moved away leaving Chaton alone.
She had nothing except the latex outfit she had worn when running off.
She managed to steal a leather jacket to cover up some of her bizarre appearance at least before getting on the first buss she came upon to put more distance between herself and her captors.
The buss destination was DeadEnd where she now tries to find a new life.

Meta info: Chaton has a few skills and issues like most people. She has had a few odd jobs and while performing quite decent at them has gotten fired from most due to either vioent outbursts or her drug problems. Most notably would be her dischagingfrom a tatoo parlour whena customer (a regular and friend of the owner) tried to grab her to touch a feel and maybe even more than a feel caused her to stab him in the eye with the needle.

Chaton is a drug addict as well even not the heaviest stuff regularly she has tried a few things but in the end setlled mostly for alcohole and prescribed meds.

Due to the recent events in her life she has ended up somewhat unhinged or in a nicer term she is a chocolate sundae lacking all the chocolate and ice cream and replacing it with rusted screws and boratic acid.

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