[BUSINESS] Ricci Consultation

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Profile photo of Faerie Lindley



Willow is taking over for marcello.

DATE: 09/16/12

PROPOSAL BY: Willow Namir

GROUP NAME: Ricci Consultation

TYPE: Business and social solutions

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: Willows god father and upon her fathers passing his will stated that she would become his ward. Merlino honored that request taking her in. The girl was a problem growing up. Childhood wasn't easy a black girl adopted into an Italian family. They gave her a roof over her head, thick skin, and command over the Italian language. When Merlino died Marcello was put in charge of managing her affairs. As his ward Willow knew it was his job to control and protect her. Now that she is old enough to take care of herself she never bothered to leave his side. She lives now as Marcellos right hand. She spends her days feeling indebted to certain members of the Ricci family. She watches everything and doesn't give the benefit of the doubt to anyone. In mid 2012 Marcello Ricci and Willow came to Dead End in search of business opportunities. Business in their hometown had attracted too much attention of a negative kind. Eager to broaden their horizons they knew Dead End was the obvious choice because this is where people came to get invisible. There seemed to be many opportunities in the city but they were looking for something that they could give back to the denizens of Dead End. There was already a company they found that helped but it still wasn't what they envisioned. They wanted to help in a more hands on way. A way that would show real results, actual physical results. Not just something that would look good on paper... Mr. Ricci had been approached many times by the people of Dead End for his assistance in matters of various kinds. Mr. Ricci being the kind, very wealthy person he would do whatever he could to be of assistance. Between the two of them Ricci consultation was born. It is a business that allows them to act in an advisory capacity on professional and personal matters; the goal is to become the biggest situational consulting engineers in the city. With Mr. Ricci as her benefactor Willow is ready to use all the factions in the city to contract different services. Offering money provided from Mr. Ricci Willow never has to get her hands dirty. She provides the buffer between the client and the target. Since they keep the clients and the contractors separate it offers the client anonymity and affordable prices. Dealing with a gang directly leaves one wide open for future problems.

UNIQUE: On the books Ricci consultation is an independent professional consulting firm specializing in satisfaction. The company often uses vigilantism to help customers identify their most pressing issues and compelling opportunities. For a small fee or favor they take action using contacts with gangs, drug dealers, dirty cops, and even extortionist to help solve the problem. Since every situation is different solving the rp issue will create many story lines and create rp jobs. The company would start working with other DE businesses to start increasing connectivity, interchange ideas, services, and talents. If the rp is successful it will precipitate further interdependence of economic and criminal activities.

EXP:I've been role playing for about 2 years in various genres of rp. On other rp sims I've held leadership roles and admin positions. I see myself as a person who can get along with about anyone which builds up patients in which you need when you run something like a business.

IDEAS:We would like to work with other gangs in the city as well as other organizations all the way down to the denizens. I feel it could be the start of many story lines intertwined amongst the gangs putting them at odds with each other. Ricci consultations would be like a revenge business. A way for the citizens to get even without the risk of getting hurt or in trouble themselves.

OTHER:This proposal is being resubmitted with corrections to address concerns but to fix a logistical issue.

September 16, 2012 at 10:33 pm
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September 17, 2012 at 4:46 am
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September 17, 2012 at 5:03 am
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September 17, 2012 at 5:44 am
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September 18, 2012 at 4:42 pm
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September 19, 2012 at 2:59 am
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September 20, 2012 at 2:06 am
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