[BUSINESS] Pharaoh's Secondhand Books

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Pharaoh's Second Hand Bookshop
By Violet Bearsfoot

TYPE: Used Book Shop

SLURL: DE Street Shop @ Dead End 197, 219, 45

BACKGROUND: BACKGROUND: The very first time Vie stepped off the bus in Dead End, She walked down the dingy streets, and stumbled, literally, into the warmest friendliest looking shop that she came across; Pharaoh's Secondhand Books. Vie was greeted by probably the scariest looking man she had ever seen, but at the same time the girl was intrigued by him, she was all alone in the world, and her love of old books drew her to the many shelves lined with an array of titles and the intimidating spike haired giant turned out to be one of the kindest men she had ever met, he took her in, offered her the couch to sleep on and a key to the shop that very day as well as offered her a job.. The shy blond was hooked from the very day she arrived in town, from the sleazy romance novels, to the sacred archives kept under lock and key, to all the people that would drift in and out on a daily basis. Throughout her time in DE the shop has held so much of her life, From her first home, her first friend, her first job, and a place where she has spent so much of her time in town; it helped her create so many lasting friendships, gave her a family that she didn't have when she showed up, and sparked a love that that will hold her heart forever. UNIQUE: What Makes the bookshop unique in my personal opinion, is that it doesn't have a front, its not secretly running drugs, prostitutes, weapons or any other illegal thing through it, (( which may have to change with the recent plot of the prohibition.. just sayin!) it is just what it states, a bookshop, and aside from that, it is also a warm friendly place near the center of town, more of a safe haven, where anyone can come to just relax and converse, that a lot of people new to the sim wander into, Which we have always encouraged, and adopted all sorts of new folks to town and got them a fresh start, along with help them find their way in DE, whether that be lending a couch for a few nights, or handing out starter kit backpacks Each contained various things someone new in town would need; a map of town, a list of Numbers to call when in trouble or lost, snacks, and water, a prepaid cell phone with minimal minutes, and of course books) EXPERIENCE: Like the background mentioned I have been a part of Dead End for a little over a year now, and been a part of the inner workings of the bookshop the entire time, I started as an assistant there, and worked up to be and IC Co-Owner with Keiran. I have been the visible one in the shop for some time now, and feel like i have a solid grasp on what being a lead entails, I love working with the people in De, admins staff, and everyone that wanders by, and I try to help out as much as I can behind the scenes already.. Along with that, I have also been admin on my previous RP sim, where I helped manage and plan events, as well as work with the community as MOD and security issues there. In RL I am a manager of a very small business chain, doing many of the same tasks i do in rp. I love planning fund raisers and events to bring people in, and being an active voice in my community rl also. IDEAS: There are just so many things that can come out of this little shop. Monthly books sales, depending on the holidays and the happenings around town, soon to be on sale, the foxfire book ( look it up it will make you giggle) along with how to books on how to make secret compartments in everyday spaces..... Cookbooks in November, Karma Sutra in February, Michigan s most haunted places in October... non fictions on serial killers, when the murder rate is up, the list is endless. Book signings, readings, pairing with businesses for themed events, perhaps a pairing of the bail bonds place and the bookshop for a Gangster event based around Dillinger: the untold story, or something of the like with any business in town really, I really am looking forward to pulling relationship with other town business together for events each month. kind of a spotlight on what we can all do together. OTHER: The bookshop to me is a staple in DE, and holds a very dear place in my heart, and while it will continue to be ICly ran by Keiran and Vie the couple, it is time for and exchange of leadership OOCly, as Keiran isn't as active on sim anymore, and while this breaks my heart, the shop needs a leader that can help bring RP back to it through events sales and just a visible person around to rp with, who will still keep the style and charm the little building has always had. I look forward to meeting new people and engaging in RP with as many people around that i possibly can.


EXPERIENCE:I would like to be a bigger part of the community, show my leadership skills and work with as many people on sim as possible, I feel that I can continue to add to the story arch's of the sim, as well as plan fun events and engage people in rp who may not have felt comfortable in other areas of the town, this is a step I have been wanting to take for awhile.



March 25, 2015 at 8:03 am
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lucas bayne


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March 25, 2015 at 9:47 am
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