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Profile photo of Kyo Niimura



Deadend Daily Newspaper
By Kitiarafox Resident



BACKGROUND: I used to run the Deadend daily back when I was fairly new to the sim, but things made keeping it hard. Somethings I was interested in doing with the paper is keeping the advise column going, see if any artists would like to start a few comic strips in the paper. Do articles on crime, births, deaths, make it a lot like a real paper. A way I would make new employees feel welcome and included would be I would im them when I am on and ask if they would be free to come in to work. Kit would assign tasks and jobs for the workers, at first some might do a lot of coffee runs or so, but she would give them things. The tasks would be aimed towards what the character is good at. Like fashion, make-overs, horoscopes... gossip. Kit, my character, was all about justice and the paper. She was fresh to town with a dream of finding a big scoop. While she has changed since then she still loves the paper, she just sees things as grey instead of just black and white.

UNIQUE: It is the only paper in town, but I want it to shine. I want reporters out with a ear tuned for a scoop, I want to hold ic meets before stories are posted to make it seem more realistic and adds to the fun. I plan on venturing out and seeing what businesses would like ads, coupons, or maybe discount papers.

EXPERIENCE:I have led the paper before and was on sim pretty much everyday for long hours. I knew how to take a hit for a ic reason. I was sort of a naive person both ic and ooc, but I have learned more and seek to come back to something I found a lot of fun. As a leader I will listen to what my staff says and try to arrange things to fit to make everyone happy. I will be available for questions, concerns, and even ideas they wish to be heard on. I will be there to play mediator if there is a problem. I am willing to learn from others who have had the lead longer and take notes on strengths and areas of improvement. I will do what I can to be an asset for the community and a role model for those in the sim.

IDEAS:IC I would have Kit roam around, seeking interesting looking talent. She would approach them and ask if they are knew, listen in for if someone is looking for a job and pass off a card. When they come for a job I would have kit give them an interview and hire them for a position and welcome them to the team. OOC: If I saw a new person I would im them identify myself and ask if they are finding their way around alright. I would ask if they need any help with anything and offer guidance if they required it. OOC I would give them a way to contact me, I might make a special skype for this or email for it so that I can always be available for needs when offline.

OTHER:If I was approved I would want to hold a gathering, introduce the new ideas for the paper and go over any changes. Offer discounts or deals with other businesses. I see it as a cocktail type party. Drinks and finger foods, mingling in a nice gown or suit. A short speech and playing the room as the expression goes. Mingle and get some ideas going for the new issue.

December 10, 2015 at 11:17 am
Profile photo of Kyo Niimura



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December 22, 2015 at 10:22 pm
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