[BUSINESS] DE Cinema Square

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals [BUSINESS] DE Cinema Square

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Profile photo of Faerie Lindley



DATE: 09/08/12

PROPOSAL BY: Jaylah Sass

GROUP NAME: The Cinema

TYPE: Movie Theater

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: Time spent in Dead End has hardened Jay. Maybe not to the fullest, the girl still has some soft spots and of course a conscious. After some time away from working at the cinema, which she started at when she came to the city.. she went ahead and applied for the manager position, hoping to cast out her plan. Some might call it evil, but Jay calls it a public service. She has the intent to only harm and humiliate those who deserve it... well that's how it started, at least. Jay's tendency to be naive, not to mention the possible outcomes of resisting to do so- allowed her to turn a blind eye and allow those undeserving to be harmed as well... It unfolded with Jay pairing up with her friend Ami, who she knew had the same mindset. With Ami's hopes of starting a vigilante team of sorts in order to inflict pain and punishment on those who caused harm to others for no reason- Jay knew the cinema would be the perfect place to let these things come to life. What's better revenge than humiliation, afterall? The cinema would act as just that- a form of public humiliation. An open outlet for DE'S deviants, vigilantes, hell, even civilians- to let their punishments and repayments, or even just general attacks be known. Jay and Ami paired up to run the cinema with two agendas in mind- Personally inflict punishment on those who were deserving of it, and assist others who do the same by giving them an outlet to display their acts publicly. The cinema would be disguised as just that- a normal operating cinema, playing everyday movies. And it would operate that way, too..just not always. Firstly, it would act as the pairs hideout of sorts for their escapades in revenge. Secondly, the humiliation films.. when obtaining a humiliation film, the staff would of course promote some type of special event to draw in a crowd to view the film. Subliminal messaging and hints of sorts would be used to advertise these events.. fliers, word of mouth, and other ways would get word out of a 'special film' at a special showing time. When that time comes and the crowd arrives for the film, they're in for a surprise no doubt. What they have expected in comparison to what they're about to view are likely two different parallels. The film obtained by the cinema of the humiliation would be shown- a recorded video of a crime, torture, beating, interrogation.. anything of the sorts. What is on the film ahead of time? Cinema staff has no clue.. hell, it may even be one of them. One things certain, when the curtain opens and the projector fires up.. everyones in for a show.

UNIQUE: The cinema is going to bring a lot of interactive group roleplay. Being in such a high traffic area of the sim- something special should be done with it, and I truly believe that special events- in this case obtaining films to be displayed there, will be something everyone can enjoy. Since the crowd will be unsuspecting, the reactions will be so diverse. In large setting roleplays, things tend to get complicated and very clustered. I have worked out what I think to be an interactive and thorough way of roleplaying out viewing the film. The character paying, or maybe in some cases, forcing staff to have their humiliation displayed would OOCly provide a NC of the RP ahead of time. At the movie event, the cinema staff would then pass this NC with the RP to all the attendants. This allows the characters to learn all iC knowledge about the humiliation, just as they would if they were watching it displayed infront of them as a film. Of course, they would use this NC'd RP in order to display reactions and emote properly in regards to how their character would. But in order to keep things organized and everyone on flow with where we are in the film, so to speak- a titler would be used, spacing out periodical posts with an emote of what was currently being displayed in the film at that time. That can be used as a great guideline on how to react and keep everyone on the same page. Important knowledge will also be pointed out in said posts- are the people on screen in disguises? Masked? Or can we see the victim has blonde hair that's being chopped off? This type of important info will be shared through the titler in order to make RP as accurate as possible, both during the event and in the repercussions and possible RP's that follow it. I am hoping this type of organization and interaction will bring a fun aspect to the RP. I really believe in structure and consistancy, along with letting everyone have fun of course- that's the best part, the unpredicted reactions.. but having a solid setting is a great thing to base it off of. Everyone likes drama and a lot of people have said Deviants are needed in DE. Using the cinema for something other than just drug pushing or something similar- something more dark, is unique in itself.. and because it's such a common place, it will affect a lot of characters and stir up great RP.

EXP:Firstly, the whole concept of the cinema is something new. Not to my knowledge (although I may be wrong) has any type of RP been done with the cinema that actually incorporates the fact that the building is a cinema... and uses that to open up RP involving actual films. So the idea in itself is in a way unique. That being said, the cinema producing these public events where the films are used creates a lot of interaction and storyline. Not only does it tie in previous storyline done on sim, it creates future storyline the moment that film is viewed by the audience- each having their own individual reaction to it that can't be predicted. Running the cinema this way gives others outside of the business directly a way to get involved with it.. making it possible for the whole sim to use a building that is in such an essential part of town to create RP. Because the idea mainly focuses around group RP, it's great for newcomers. Newcomers often wander into the cinema or the square first hand.. doing so and being able to get a grasp for the type of RP that goes around in DE would be great. Not only can they witness it, but they can join in without too much self consciousness- as RPing in groups when one is new is usually much easier than RPing one on one in an in depth scenario. OOCly, I am very willing to worth with every participant involved in the cinema staff and the film in order to make sure everyone is on the same page. I'm organized in that aspect too.. I want everyone to be comfortable OOC as to not upset anyone and to keep OOC conflicts to a minimum. I'm helpful and can see both sides of things, so I truly think I can provide assistance or even work as a mediator when needed. Not only that but I've been roleplaying for years now and feel myself coming up with more and more unique ideas as time passes.. and since I'm very thorough, I take the time to try to execute them properly.

IDEAS:Firstly, the whole concept of the cinema is something new. Not to my knowledge (although I may be wrong) has any type of RP been done with the cinema that actually incorporates the fact that the building is a cinema... and uses that to open up RP involving actual films. So the idea in itself is in a way unique. That being said, the cinema producing these public events where the films are used creates a lot of interaction and storyline. Not only does it tie in previous storyline done on sim, it creates future storyline the moment that film is viewed by the audience- each having their own individual reaction to it that can't be predicted. Running the cinema this way gives others outside of the business directly a way to get involved with it.. making it possible for the whole sim to use a building that is in such an essential part of town to create RP. Because the idea mainly focuses around group RP, it's great for newcomers. Newcomers often wander into the cinema or the square first hand.. doing so and being able to get a grasp for the type of RP that goes around in DE would be great. Not only can they witness it, but they can join in without too much self consciousness- as RPing in groups when one is new is usually much easier than RPing one on one in an in depth scenario.

OTHER:The business concept has a little bit of something for everyone. The nature and core of it is vigilante, but it also welcomes and encourages Deviants. I've noticed previously plenty of people complaining about the lack of Deviants and Deviant activity in DE. I honestly feel as if this business concept can open up doors for some more of that, as well as making it more obvious throughout the sim and involving more than just a few individuals.

September 8, 2012 at 11:29 pm
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September 10, 2012 at 2:03 am
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September 10, 2012 at 1:09 pm
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jaylah sass


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September 10, 2012 at 4:35 pm
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September 11, 2012 at 12:16 am
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September 11, 2012 at 12:26 am
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jaylah sass


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September 11, 2012 at 12:55 am
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September 11, 2012 at 9:44 pm
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