Asylum Inviters, Guard Uniform, and Rosters…

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Nadir Taov


Just an update ... it was pointed out that the inviters were wonky at the Asylum so I took a look and made a few updates. Here's an overview of the various 'systems' available at the Asylum. Please let me know if you experience it differently or if there are any issues I need to look at.

Patient, Staff, Guard Role Boards

The boards have two functions now; if you're a registered CD or DE member, you will have the option to instantly receive an invite to the Dead End Asylum Roleplay group with the role you indicated.

The STAFF option will give you the DE Asylum Orderly role; GUARD is DEMH Asylum Guard, and PATIENT is DE Asylum Patient.

Facility Roster Terminal
To access the roster, click on the computer terminal in the Asylum intake lobby.

Staff/Guard players will also be automatically added to the facility roster with an "Entry" rank when they join the group via the inviter described above. By role-playing or contacting a lead or manager of the facility, you can indicate to them the role you're interested in playing so they can mark you accordingly in the roster to better track.

The roster will count hours spent in the facility and the number of cases a staff member has been involved in.

Filing Cases
There are hanging clipboards in front of the padded cell rooms and also in the lobby for staff to access and quickly submit a case note on a patient. This gives you and the patient an opportunity to build a medical history and works towards the more advanced version of my Character Evolution System that is being rolled out in DE.

January 22, 2014 at 10:05 am
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