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venus quinnell


Dead End Police Department Incident Report

Incident Time and Date:

Incident Location:
Pizza Slut/Lulu's

Officer Reporting:
Venus Quinnell

Alleged Offense Committed:
DPC-401 -Embezzlement
DPC-400 -Extortion

Further Action:
Suspect known

Sy Chanevka (Syreni Barony) - manager of Pizza Slut

Anika R.

Ming Zheng

Items Stolen or Taken:

Weapons Used:

Evidence Recovered:
Bank statement

Summary of Events:
Suspect was given American X card with $50,000 limit for renovations to the Pizza Slut. This money was sited only for renovations needed as required by municipal health Code. July 18th, $10,000 was withdrawn from card and was not used for renovations. Victim has since canceled card. Suspect then attempted to extort from Victim as witnessed by the three named witnesses above. Further information is that Judge Anna Petrovic was to conduct an investigation on Pizza Slut's health code violations with threatened closure of said establishment due to violations.

Signature of Reporting Officer:
Venus Quinnell

July 20, 2011 at 12:06 pm
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