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This topic contains 4 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by abigel-nightfire 10 years, 8 months ago.
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abigel-nightfiresaid2014/04/26 Day 1 – noon Abigel gathers herself, taking a deep breath she finally crosses the street, arriving at the local police department. She stops t the entrance, politely waiting for her turn. She scans the place from under her locks with lowered head. [...] Temper (temper.faith) rolled her at the officer she was talking to “So you don’t listen either, got it, I was just there and there wasn’t anyone there, so I guess I can just go sit in the chair outside till someone shows up, thanks so much officer you’ve been a fantastic help.” she’d turn and then see the other woman there and mutter “Good Luck.” before heading outside again unless stopped. Abigel blinks as the stranger wishes her luck and smiles faintly. She walks over hesitantly and peeks in through the window. “Hi….” Seth (sett.rascon) looks at girl with an ice-cold facial expression ”Do I look like a god damnt’ mechanic here ?” mumbles quietly before sights deeply rolling his eyes over at the other girl ”Hello there, miss how can I help ?” rests his ass down on the stool. Abigel rubs her arms. “I have just arrived…. well an hour ago, it took me a while to find the station.” she swallows “The thing is… I left my backpack on the bus, sir..” Seth (sett.rascon) nods taking out notebook and pen from shirts inner pocket, being ready to write down description of her backpack to later radio all bus drivers about missing backpack.. Turns his gaze over girls shoulder to see dissatisfied girl ”Miss, all I can suggest is to wait for someone to reach out for you.. *pauses letting out a sight, reaching for phone to dial Knuckle Dusters phone number, waiting for signal before offering her the phone* Abigel blinks and takes a step back as she spots the eyepatch on the officer. “Wow…” but presses her lips tight then, hoping he did not notice her outburst. She swallows and scratches her nose. “Well, it is black, with grey and pink stripes a few pockets. Nothing out of the ordinary, but well. it had all my papers… and most of my money in it.” Roxy Smythe (roxysmythe) listens to Seth and the other girl for a moment. She shakes her head. “I need to run to the hospital for a few minutes and check something. I’ll be on radio if you need me, Officer.” Seth nods to LT Roxy ”Alright, miss..” focusing back on the girls now.. Temper settles down as the man hands a phone through to her “Thank you.” she’d murmur and take the phone stepping back a little so she wouldn’t interrupt anymore and wait for someone to pick up. She glanced over the other woman there and lifts a brow some while the phone continues to ring, and ring, “That’s no good, from the look of this place I wouldn’t hold out hopes of seeing it ever again.” she’d only been in the city for an hour or so but it was already clear this place was hard. She’d let the phone ring a few more times before handing it to the officer, “Maybe they are closed on weekends, just my luck.” and with that she’d sigh and look back to the door, if she was going to be stuck there she needed to find a plae to stay. Dan Flare enters the precinct and goes through the side door. He nods over to Seth as he heads to the back area “Morning.” Seth bites his lower lip a little as he wrote down description of her backpack, nodding some as he was listening, not really looking at other girl as she waited for someone to respond, tilts his head up as he sees phone coming back to him, ”That’s too bad, miss.. Well I can suggest you motel to stay.. It’s located in Red Light’s, City docks block, can’t miss it..” smiles some, before shifting his eyes at other girl ”Alright, miss.. I’ll radio in for bus dispatch to see if they found any backpack.. Hold on..” he spins around in his stool and stands up taking out his walkie-talkie to radio ”Ocean 17383 to DE Bus Dispatch 6′.. Is there any black backpack with grey and pink stripes and few pockets found on your busses ?” waits for dispatch to respond, after few seconds Seth hears mumbling in radio ”DE bus dispatch to O’ 17383.. I’m afraid there is no backpack’s found in our busses, over..” sighs answering ”10-4.” as he places walkie-talkie back in it’s bearer, he’d now lightly went closer to the window. His facial expression straight, tone serious ”I’m afraid miss, that there is no backpack’s found in our DE busses..” shrugs, looking at her.. Abigel rocks back and forth on her feet. She looks up at the red haired woman, then lowers her head again as she speaks about the town that way. “My grandfather lives here. Surely he will help… When I find him…” In the meanwhile, the place seems busy as a few other officers pass by. She is sure they have way more important problems than her backpack, blushing slightly as the officer’s attention focuses on her again. She drops her shoulders at the bad news and stands quietly, trying to find out what to do next. Temper watched as another guy entered the PD and then nodded to the officer who suggested a motel, “Red Light, well I know what that usually means, I’m going to assume it’s the same here as everywhere else, thanks again.” she’d listen as he checked on the backpack and shake her head, not surprised at his findings then she headed to the door, she’d sleep in the gutter before she’d go to a red light district so surveying the area she weighed her options and then headed off into the streets, if she was going to stuck here she might as well find a way to entertain herself. Seth nods to Dan as he came into DEPD, returning polite greet ”Morning..” following his movements with his eyes, as he entered office, probably fresh blood – Seth thought.. Abigel looks up, realizing she had not said anything. “Well, umm.. my ID was in the backpack too… uh…what should I do about that?” she asks uncertainly, trying to be as small as possible, hoping she is not much of a bother. Seth nods ”That’s what I thought, Well *he scratches the back of his neck* In that case, you need to make a new one, what can I say more?” he shrugs, staring at the girl, waiting for her to ask something more… Seth (sett.rascon) ”Whats your name/surname, date of birth ?” asks curiously being ready to write information down in the notebook. Abigel dictates her details to him. Just past nineteen. She peeks in as he writes it all down. Seth nods writing down details, saying in a low tone ”Alright, if somethings gonna pop up, we will let you know Abigel.. ” looks up at her smiling.. ”Anything else ?” asks curiously.. Abigel Nightfire shakes her head as she takes a step back. “No.. thank you.. I guess… I will find my grandfather and all. Thank you.” Seth gives her a little wave ”Stay safe out there, miss..” before standing up to head out on his patrol with NPC Rookie Lilly. Abigel nods and walks out on the street uncertainly, looking around in the darkness “Thanks!” rather quietly again, that he wouldn't even hear it. |
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